Anagallis arvensis: care

In nature we can find a wide variety of plants , each with its own characteristics and properties. Some larger than others, with different colors, with different aromas and ways of behaving.

Some plants have become very popular thanks to their healing properties, others have managed to stand out for their aromas, which are used in some fragrances or solutions prepared to set some areas. Thus, those that offer certain nutritional contributions to the body and for which they can be highly sought after in some cultures also stand out.


  • 1 Characteristics of the Anagallis Arvensis or Scarlet Pimpernel
  • 2 Uses of the Anagallis Arvensis or Scarlet Pimpernel
  • 3 Care of the Anagallis Arvensis or Scarlet Pimpernel
    • 3.1 Lighting
    • 3.2 Soils
    • 3.3 Against diseases

Characteristics of the Anagallis Arvensis or Scarlet Pimpernel

Characteristics of the Anagallis ArvensisThis is an annual type plant, which is currently distributed throughout much of Europe, although it is also found with great frequency in certain areas of Africa .

This belongs to the family of the so-called primroses, a set of plants that are usually characterized by having floras of different colors and are usually found in gardens or enclosed fields. This plant has a large number of names, which, despite not being the most formal, are mainly due to the ability of this plant to close its flowers in the presence of cloudy skies or, in any case, moments before to rain.

The color of its flowers can be between blue and red, of which the red ones tend to be more common in southern Europe and the blue ones are generally seen more frequently in the north, even species with colored flowers can also be found. fuchsia and orange.

The average height of this plant is 10 centimeters, also presenting about 40 cm in width in total and its leaves are presented in the opposite way and are usually between 1 and 2 cm wide .

Its flowers, in addition to appearing in different colors, also have five lobed petals , they do not usually exceed one centimeter in diameter and these flowers usually appear in axillary pairs.

This plant is considered rare for its reactions to the weather. In addition, its own scientific name, which in Spanish means ” field decoration “, is considered very successful because its presence in soils is not the most conventional, but at the same time it is a very useful complement to soils . Thus, this plant has been used throughout history in fields and gardens. Currently, gardens, fields and roadsides are the places where this plant can be found most often.

Uses of the Anagallis Arvensis or Scarlet Pimpernel

This plant is well known, not only for its history and reactions to weather behavior, but also for its uses, which can be useful. Here, as in many cases, the medicinal uses stand out .

  • Relaxant for pain and inflammation
  • Purgative
  • Cytotoxic, which deals with cells that can eliminate other cells , such as cancer cells.
  • Antitussive or in other terms, it acts as a syrup to eliminate cough .
  • Sedative

Decorative Thanks to its colors and size, the Anagallis Arvensis is used as a decorative plant in different spaces , but it is important to keep in mind that its decorative use should not override its living conditions, that is, it should be guaranteed the environmental conditions so that it can live fully in a certain place.

Hand in hand with this, we can say that the gastronomic uses of this plant are not very extensive, and it is that of its body, the leaves are the only element that is usually included in some dishes.

Despite its uses, it is necessary to clarify that this flat is toxic , in fact, it is poison for many mammals, which is why its sale is prohibited in many countries of the world. It is advisable to have the necessary advice before using this plant, especially if it will be used for human or animal consumption, since it can significantly compromise health.

Care of the Anagallis Arvensis or Scarlet Pimpernel

Anagallis Arvensis careLike any plant, care will be essential and the Anagallis Arvensis is no exception. Therefore, and among some relevant care for this plant , we can find the following:


Many of these plants often require subtle lighting. The case of our plant is different, since it requires direct exposure to sunlight . This, in order to guarantee optimal growth. For that, it is pertinent to place it in open places where it can receive the sun’s rays whenever necessary . Failure to comply with this requirement could significantly compromise their development.


It is advisable to provide soils with a clay or loam texture and these soils can be kept both moist and dry.

It is also worth knowing that these soils could be endowed with an acidic pH, either alkaline or neutral. Irrigation, depending on the type of soil that is being used, must be intermediate, that is, it must maintain certain prudent levels of humidity for the plant, preventing it from drowning with too much water and at the same time preventing it from drying out.

The temperature must be taken into account, since the higher the temperature, the more frequent irrigation will be necessary , while, if we are talking about a place with low temperatures, the irrigation would not be as frequent. It should also be noted that this plant can withstand hostile low temperatures, managing to survive even frost.

against diseases

Uses of Anagallis ArvensisThe truth is that this plant is usually very resistant to diseases , therefore, finding it sick is something unlikely.

It is a very self- sufficient plant in terms of protection against diseases and infections, therefore, it does not usually need help or precise care to avoid suffering from any disease.

The Anagallis Arvensis is an extremely interesting plant and on an aesthetic level it can be very striking, however, this should not be a reason to trust us, since as we could well understand, it is a purely toxic plant, therefore, its consumption must be regulated by a specialist.

This plant is well known and has a large number of species distributed both in Europe and Africa , however, this does not mean that it can live anywhere, since it needs certain conditions to be able to grow fully, it is a plant very interesting and self sufficient.

Anagallis arvensis: care

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