When and how to plant pine nuts?

If you are one of those who would like to have a stone pine in your garden, and also have room for it, do not hesitate to plant pine nuts. Watching them germinate and grow is a very nice experience, because not only do they have a high germination rate (that is, practically all the seeds germinate) but they also reach adulthood quite easily.

So if you need to know when and how to plant pine nutsNext, we will explain everything you need to know to be successful.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Key features
  • 2 Stone pine requirements
  • 3 Important aspects
  • 4 What do I need to plant pine nuts?
  • 5 How are pine nuts planted?

Key features

stone pine

El stone pine It has its origin in the Mediterranean area. It is found practically along the entire length of the coastline and reaches China. Despite the fact that it has this wide area of ​​distribution, in Spain there are the areas with the highest production of these pine nuts. Some of the most prominent areas for this high production are Andalusia and Castilla y León. Stone pine has multiple values ​​apart from sowing pine nuts. One of the values ​​of the crop is the economic value that the specimens and the ornamental possess.

Keep in mind that pine nuts are highly valued and are part of many desserts and typical dishes in many European places. Being part of human nutrition for millennia, it is a resource that is widely used today. We also add to the trends of introducing nuts in healthy and varied diets. The husk of the pineapples is being used as biofuel for a better use.

Another of the uses that stone pine has is that of wood, resin or bark used for the extraction of tannins. We highlight the ornamental value since in some areas of Europe, such as Italy, there are a large number of pines that you can find forming decorative arboreal masses in cities.

Stone pine requirements

stone pine leaves

We are going to see what the needs of this tree are so that we can plant the pine nuts well. It is a fairly rustic tree, so it is able to withstand times of drought and high temperatures. It manages to withstand temperature values ​​above 40 degrees quite easily. You might think that the cold is one of its weak points, but it also resists frost with temperature values ​​down to -20 degrees. It is true that with -10 degrees it already begins to have some type of damage, but it can last for a while. This all depends on the age of the tree.

These capacities and rusticity have allowed it to spread over wide regions in which we have a very different climate. For example, it is found both in continental climates and in areas with a coastal climate. It also varies in altitudes. We can find the stone pine at altitudes that vary between 0-1200 meters above sea level.

As for the soil, it is a variable that shows its range of rusticity. Although it can grow in clay and limestone soils it has a great preference for those soils with an acidic pH and pulling a more sandy texture. By having this ability to adapt to different types of soils, it allows its distribution over a multitude of edaphological landscapes. If we take into account its nutritional requirements, it does not need large amounts of organic matter, so it can be sown in nutrient-poor soils. The only thing it does not tolerate well is waterlogging. Those soils that are easily puddled in with irrigation or rain water can cause serious root problems.

Important aspects

One of the important aspects in the production of pine nuts is that the introduction of stone pine is very late. Hence, they are quite expensive nuts. And it is that the tree will need approximately between 20-30 years to be able to begin the period of mass production of pine nuts. This makes its production is slower since it must wait until the trees are mature and can produce on a large scale.

Finally, we must bear in mind that flowering occurs in late spring and early summer. This means that pine nuts are ripe after 3 years after flowering. This aspect is also essential when producing.

For all these reasons, pine nuts are highly demanded nuts, not only for their nutritional richness, but for their value. They are high in healthy fats that make them perfect for any type of healthy diet.

What do I need to plant pine nuts?

tips on how and when to plant pine nuts

Before starting, it is always a good idea to have everything you will need ready, which in this case is:

  • Pots deeper than wide, about 10,5cm in diameter by 13 or 14cm deep.
  • Substratum of universal culture mixed with perlite in equal parts.
  • Watering can with water.
  • Fungicide. If it is spring, it can be copper or sulfur, but if it is summer, a synthetic fungicide spray must be used.

And, although it is not anything material, it is also very important to take into account that in order to have a good development we must live in an area where at some time of the year the temperature drops below 0 degrees, since otherwise it will not be able to grow all right.

How are pine nuts planted?

how and when to plant pine nuts

Once we have everything ready, it will be time to follow this step by step:

  1. The first thing to do is buy pine nuts in spring or summer.
  2. Then, they are placed in water for 24 hours.
  3. The pots are then filled with the substrate.
  4. Then a maximum of a pinion or two is placed in each.
  5. Finally, they are covered with a thin layer of substrate and watered.

To avoid the proliferation of fungi it is recommended to treat with a fungicide.

When they are sown, they are placed in an area where the sunlight gives them direct sunlight, and the substrate is kept moist. In a matter of fifteen days we will see the first germinate.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how and when to plant pine nuts.

When and how to plant pine nuts?

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