The hybrid tea, It is the best known and most used rose bush. Our gardens can look splendid with this plant, but they can also look poor, and dead if we don’t take proper care of them.

A rose bush that is not pruned, would become a plant full of dead and living branches, with weak stems that can eventually die, so it is important to know the correct technique that must be followed to prune it.

For, properly prune our rose bush of hybrid tea we need to take into account the following considerations:

  • Pruning time: Tea hybrids, like other types of rose bushes, should be pruned during the winter. If the frosts are very strong, with intense frosts, it is advisable to prune them at the end of winter, when the temperature has risen a bit.
  • Eliminate dry, dead and damaged branches: It is vital, remove branches that are damaged or dead. If you do not know how to tell if a branch is dead, cut a small piece of the stem, if the surface is brown it is dead, if it is white it is alive.
  • Eliminate withered flowers: Withered flowers must be eliminated so that they do not consume the energy of those that are healthy. You must eliminate them by cutting below the second leaf below the flower.
  • Remember that pruning should be done every year, to remove the old stems from last year and give space to those that are about to bloom.
  • Cuts: the cuts that must be made must be made with very sharp tools.