What to do with dried hydrangeas?

dried hydrangeas decoration

Extending the life of flowers, trying to capture their timeless beauty is inherent in any flower lover. If we all think about how to have dried hydrangeaswe are in luck. Because while we would feel frustrated with other flowers, with this wonderful representation of an acid plant we are calm. Hydrangea dries well, and better yet, even dries for a long time.

In this article we are going to tell you what you should do with dried hydrangeas in order to get the most out of them.

How to have dried hydrangeas

dried hydrangeas

Besides the fact that the drying process is simple, there is another reason that makes him an ideal candidate. Adding to the appeal of flower arrangements, these shade bushes come in a wide variety of colors. Some range from white to blue, passing through lavender, fuchsia or pale pink. A detail that allows us to play with them in the decoration of our house according to our taste or the tonalities that we have.

Although we are well aware of flower drying methods, hydrangea drying methods have their own characteristics. First, since we are talking about a flower, it is actually the sum of the flowers. Thanks to this detail, the inflorescences of the hydrangea look so uniquely beautiful and at the same time so attractive. So, Knowing how to dry hydrangeas largely depends on respecting their natural form.

Beyond that, there are some important things we need to know. No matter how we dry them, our hydrangeas will never retain their fresh color intensity. A detail that we have to take into account and not detract from the beauty of how they dry. But don’t be discouraged: even if they are not exactly the same, there are tricks to keep them as faithful as possible. It’s also important to know that your dry color will fade and fade over time.

Types of dried

take care of hydrangeas

So, in addition to how to dry the hydrangea, what else can we do to preserve the tone? It’s simple: start drying our flowers at the right time. And, in this case, there are two possible scenarios:

  • Flowers extracted from the plant itself: When they begin to dry on the plant itself, you have to cut them. Doing this beforehand will cause the flowers to wilt and become mushy, so they won’t dry properly. Cutting the flowers when they are already very ripe will cause them to lose all their color during drying.
  • A bouquet of flowers: Since they are already cut, the sooner we start the process, the drier they will be.

In order to dry the hydrangea from the bouquet, we must start the process as soon as possible. Whether we’re cutting flowers from a bush or a bouquet, choosing long stems is fun. With these details in mind, let’s look at how to dry hydrangeas in two different ways.

How to dry hydrangeas in a vase without water

It is one of the easiest and most used methods. The system is as basic as putting our flower stems in a vase without water. If we opt for this drying, we can leave the leaves on the stems.

While this is the easiest way to dry hydrangeas, keep in mind that the flowers may not hold their usual shape because they tend to wrinkle. They also lose color easily and even lean forward when dehydrated.

Dried hydrangeas in a vase with water

Another easier way. If we choose this method, it is important to remove all the leaves from the stem. The idea is that our flower stems dehydrate little by little, and dehydrate little by little.

Unlike the previous one, in this case we will reserve a few fingers of water and place the vase in a cool place where the flowers will not be exposed to direct sunlight. The time to remove them will be when the water is completely gone. Another way to know that our hydrangeas are completely dry is to lightly touch their leaves. If they have a papery texture, drying is done. To keep our dried flowers longer, we can spray paint them from a distance to prevent them from spoiling.

air dried hydrangeas

This is the most effective way to dry hydrangeas if we want to maintain the characteristic feathery appearance of our bouquet. It is also ideal for red, fuchsia or reddish hydrangeas, as it retains color very well.

As with the previous method, we will remove the leaves before starting the process. Once this is done, we will hang it upside down in a cool, dry place without sunlight, keeping the stems separated so that they can ventilate. After two weeks, our flowers will have that papery texture we mentioned. Most importantly, the lacquer bath will prolong the life of our dried flowers.

some care

how to dry hydrangeas

If, on the other hand, you want to prevent hydrangeas from drying out, you must take into account some of the most important care for this plant.

The ideal soil for this plant is acidic, rich in nutrients and permeable. They need a lot of light so that their leaves do not turn yellow, but they do not tolerate heat, so it is convenient Place them in a cool or partially shaded place where the temperature does not exceed 20ºC. In flowers, you should water them throughout the day. It is important that it has good drainage to avoid waterlogging.

Some necessary requirements are the following:

  • Light: They need a lot of light because if they don’t get enough light the leaves turn yellow. Put it in a very bright room, but not in the sun, or it will burn. If you take it outside, keep it in the shade, it will only withstand direct sunlight in the north.
  • Temperature: This plant doesn’t like heat, so keep it in a cool place and mist the leaves with water once it starts to get hot. It will stop flowering if it exceeds 20ºC during flowering.
  • Irrigation: She is known as a water lover. It needs a lot of humidity, make sure you water it every day when it blooms. It is important that it has good drainage to avoid waterlogging. When it rains, put it in the rain.
  • Fertilizer: You should add liquid fertilizer to the water every ten days when the plants are blooming.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about what to do with dried hydrangeas

What to do with dried hydrangeas?

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