Colored coves: care | Gardening On

Colored coves: care

One of the most characteristic, beautiful flowers that draws a lot of attention are the colored coves. Its care is not as difficult as you may think at a moment, and you also have a lot of colors that mean that for a few months you will have a spectacular color in your garden, or indoors.

Now, To achieve this, and that your coves are healthy, it is important to provide them with the necessary care. Do you know what those are? We comment on them.

How are the coves

How are the coves

The coves, scientific name Zantedeschia spp.are a genus of plants originating from Africa. Normally it is related to the color white, since its flowers are like that, but there are some species that are colored.

The most characteristic of the coves are the flowers, which have a funnel shape with a very aromatic perfume. The leaves are dark green and are always thick and fleshy (otherwise something is wrong).

Now there is differences between coves and colored coves. Specific:

  • They are smaller than pure coves, barely exceeding 50 centimeters).
  • They have smaller, narrower leaves, which may or may not have spots.
  • The colors are usually orange, yellow, lilac or red.
  • They are more decorative, especially because of the colors they have and because they are smaller.

Caring for colored coves

Caring for colored coves

As we have said, the usual color of the coves is white. That means that the colored ones are different. And therefore they require somewhat different care.

For example, you should know that the colored callas die in winter and disappear, but, if they are kept planted in the ground, in spring they sprout again. This does not happen with white coves, which keep their leaves in the cold season (unless the conditions you provide are different).

Colorful calla lilies are semi-aquatic plants

Related article:

Colored calla lilies (Zantedeschia spp)

Specifically, the care you must provide is:


The colored coves should always be placed in shaded areas. You will depend a bit on the general climate where you live. But in general, it tolerates intermediate sun well, that is, the one that is not strong, while excess sun does not do well.

If you live in the north, for example, you could choose to place it in semi-shade; while if you are in the south it is better in the shade or in the sun in the early morning or late afternoon.


From the above we can conclude that it is not a plant that tolerates excesses. Neither hot nor cold.

In fact, it does not tolerate cold and frost, to the point that you will have to protect it or bring it indoors to avoid problems.

In this case, you have two options:

  • If you protect it inside the house, or in a greenhouse or similar, it is possible that the colored calla lilies will withstand the winter well, without losing their leaves. You create a constant microclimate that will not lose its beauty.
  • If this is not the case, inevitably with the cold it will lose its flowers and leaves. But it doesn’t mean he dies. In reality, the bulb of the calla goes into a hibernation phase and if you protect it (for example by throwing a plastic over it on the ground, or a cloth), you will get it to sprout again in the spring the following year. Of course, remember what pot they are in, do not go to plant something else and then have to share it.


The land of colored coves is one of the most important care. You should always choose a land that holds water very well, but not in clusters of water. Namely, a substrate that can retain moisture from irrigation but also have good drainage.

Our recommendation is that you try the mulch with perlite, in equal parts, because it usually comes in handy.

water lily


Related to the above, we have irrigation. This will go in relation to the substrate because, as long as you notice it moist, you will not need to water it.

Also, it goes according to the seasons. In the growing season, that is, from March to September, you will need a lot of water because it is the most active period of the plant.

But, when autumn arrives, it begins to need less because it will go into rest (or hibernation), where it will not need any water.


Each 15 days, from spring to mid-late summer, you can use a liquid organic fertilizer to help give it more energy and its flowering is greater.


Calla lilies are not plants you should prune. yes you will have to remove the leaves and flowers that wither, dry out or damaged. But beyond that, nothing else needs to be done.

Plagues and diseases

The colored coves are very conspicuous to snails and slugs, which implies that they can suffer this plague and end it.

To avoid this, nothing better than using ash around the pot. Another option is eggshells or elements with copper. All of this keeps these pests away from plants.

Other pests you may have are Red spider, cottony mealybugs or aphids.

Related to the diseases, these can have several problems:

  • Let the leaves dry. It may be due to a lack of irrigation.
  • If the leaves turn yellow. It is the opposite, an excess of irrigation.
  • If burnt leaves appear, either on the tips or on parts of the leaves, you will have to change the location because they get burned by the sun.


The reproduction of colored coves is one of the care that is carried out in winter. At that time, removing the rhizome from the pot, we can see if it has raised suckers. If so, you can separate them and transplant them to another pot, or to the same pot if it is large.

You have to be very careful when separating them and using tools that are previously disinfected, since otherwise, it could affect not only the new plant, but also the “mother”.

Are you clear about the care of colored coves?

Colored coves: care | Gardening On

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