Dahlia pinnata: What is it, care, pests and diseases

Dahlia pinnata is a flower of Mexican origin

It is indisputable that one of the best and most beautiful ways to decorate our home is through plants, especially those that have flowers. As there are so many different species, each with its own shape and its own colors, we are going to present you a very popular and really beautiful one: The dahlia pinnata.

This beautiful vegetable is not only used for decoration, If not, it also has medicinal properties. Interesting, right? I recommend that you keep reading if you want to know what the dahlia pinnatawhat care it requires and what pests and diseases can affect it.

What is Dahlia pinnata?

There are different colors of Dahlia pinnata

The genus of plants known as Dahlia be part of the family Asteraceae. This genus includes about thirty species of tuberous plants. All of them are originally from Central America and Mexico. Some of the most popular species are the dahlia coccinea, dahlia excelsa, imperial dahlias, dahlia sambucifolira and a beautiful dahlia. However, the most representative species of this genus is the dahlia pinnata, also known as heron flower or Dalia.

It is a type of tuberous herbaceous plant that can reach a height of up to one and a half meters. While the leaves are a bright but dark green color, the flowers are much more attractive and showy. These can be simple or compound. In addition, there are many different colors. Generally, the heron flower blooms from summer to early fall.

As we have already mentioned above, the dahlia pinnata It is a beautiful flower that is used a lot on a decorative level. But it also has medicinal properties that turned out to be of utmost importance to the pre-Columbian Indians of Central Mexico, Guatemala, and Yucatán. Previously, the heron flower was a very popular root crop, Well, that is where its medicinal properties reside. Its roots store some nourishing insulin inside. In addition, the skin of the tubers has concentrated antibiotic compounds. Therefore it is quite understandable that it was a highly coveted plant at that time.

How to care for Dahlia pinnata?

Dahlia pinnata does not tolerate drought well

Now that we know a little more about the dahlia pinnatawe are going to explain the care that this beautiful flower requires. First of all it is important that we bear in mind that It needs to be fully exposed and at the same time protected from the wind. In some cases, it is best to guide it to prevent the stems from breaking.

As for the soil, it must be well fertilized, preferably with organic matter. What’s more, it is important that it is well drained so that the water does not accumulate in the roots, causing them to rot and the plant ends up drowning. To fertilize the soil of the dahlia pinnatait is best to use in compost in winter.

When it comes to watering, it is important that it be in abundance in summer. We must ensure that the soil is always moist, but not puddled. During the rest of the year, when it is not so hot, the heron flower should be watered regularly when the surface layer of the substrate has dried. It is important that not too many days pass from that moment, since the dahlia pinnata it does not bear drought well at all. In addition, it should be noted that the risk of being attacked by aphids increases if it suffers from drought.

When the flower buds begin to appear under the main flower, it is best to prune it. In this way we will get the main flower to grow more. Regarding the spread of dahlia pinnataThis is carried out by dividing the tuber, as long as it has buds. To reproduce it correctly, the tubers must be buried to a depth of between five and six centimeters.

Plagues and diseases

Dahlia pinnata can suffer from different pests and diseases

As is the case with practically all plants, especially those with flowers, dahlias also attract many insects that are harmful to them. Many of them eat the petals or leave them in tatters, leave evidence of slime, etc., and end up destroying the plant. The most common and threatening insects for dahlia pinnata are Red spider, slugs, caterpillars, aphids, The Earwigs and trips.

It should be noted that these beautiful flowers can not only be affected by various pests, if not also for a series of diseases such as sclerotinia disease, or diseases botrytis, Crown Gall, fungal and mildew, among other. Among the most common symptoms when they suffer from any of these pathologies are wilting, spots on the leaves, discoloration of the leaves, irregular patterns, etc.

So if you have any dahlia pinnata At home, you already know how to take care of it and what pests and diseases can affect it (and try to prevent them). If you have just discovered this beautiful flower, do not hesitate to buy one to decorate your home. They are really precious!

Dahlia pinnata: What is it, care, pests and diseases

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