Plants of the genus Cassia: characteristics, uses and care


In the broadest sense, gender Cassia includes about 1000 species of trees, shrubs and herbs, whose symmetrical leaves and flowers are solitary or arranged in simple groups or complex groups. They have 5 petals, which are usually yellow. They are widely used for their properties and there are different main species that are used more than others.

In this article we are going to tell you which are the main species of the genus Cassia, what are their characteristics and care.

Characteristics of the genus Cassia

bushy plants

Currently, Cassia species are divided into two other genera based on the details of stamens, fruits and seeds, which is why they are treated by many authors, although for other species they remain a subgenus or part of this genus. Plants of the genus Cassia they are pantropical plants, widely distributed in tropical areas of Africa, America and Asia. Some species are economically important for production.

It is used as a laxative and for insect bites in South America. It is also used as a purgative and its roasted seeds are used as a substitute for coffee. Its fruits and roots also have antispasmodic properties and have a good effect on severe menstrual cramps. Many species admit their cultivation in our country in frost-free coastal areas and, of course, in the subtropical climate of the Canary Islands, but not all offer the same degree of resistance to cold.

Main species of the genus Cassia

Cassia angustifolia

cassia angustifolia

The active part of this plant is made up of sennosides and, to a lesser extent, free anthraquinone and anthraquinone heteroglycosides. The effect of this natural laxative appears after the first 8-12 hours after ingestion. According to experts, the active ingredients in the leaf pass through the stomach and small intestine without being absorbed and reach the colon without any changes. Here, they are hydrolyzed and converted into the corresponding active metabolites with the help of enzymes found in the intestinal flora. When this happens, intestinal peristalsis increases and water and electrolytes are secreted into the intestinal lumen, producing a laxative effect.

In short, the seed of Cassia angustifolia it affects the nerve endings responsible for defecation and produces the necessary contractions to expel stool.

Cassia obovate


This plant has a structure similar to keratin and is used to strengthen hair. The cuticle of this plant allows it to adhere naturally to each hair, thus protecting it from external factors. Although it is green after spraying the leaves, it does not color the hair.

The main objective is to condition the hair and, most importantly, for those who have the most damaged or very dry hair. With Cassia obovatayou can have shinier hair, with a softer and stronger texture. When we use this plant to strengthen our hair, it does the following: it covers the hair like enamel. In this way, you can smooth the cuticle. If your hair is damaged or you want to improve hair health, this plant is a good option.

If you have any pathology, such as peeling, psoriasis or dermatitis, it can be treated in a short time and its effects can be reduced. It has astringent and antiseptic properties, it can repair the most damaged stratum corneum and prevent dandruff. We all know how ugly dandruff is in beautiful hair. With this plant you will no longer have problems.

Cassia fistula

gold plant

The Cassia fistula it can reach 6 to 20 meters in height. It is characterized by having many branches and a trunk with a circumference of about 50 cm. Its leaves are large, 15 to 60 cm long. They are tail-shaped by nature and have a petiole that connects them to the base of the leaf or stem. The beautiful straw-colored flowers of Cassia fistula hang from the slender appendage. They are distributed in small groups, which vary in length from 20 to 40 cm.

Each flower fluctuates between 4 and 7 cm. They also consist of 5 sheets of equal proportions and structure. They are beautiful and fragrant. For this reason, they made the Cassia fistula a valuable ornamental species. Its flowering period is very rich. To some extent, it hides all the leaves invisible to the naked eye.

This plant offers a variety of applications, especially in the health field. For example, it is known for its laxative properties. It has a good taste and light effect. Interestingly, it tends to stain the color of urine, causing it to change between brown and green. To use it as a laxative, the pulp of the peel is used. Use them to prepare infusion solutions for oral administration. Additionally, you can also treat common colds, flu, colds, coughs, and measles.

As well It is highly effective in alleviating diseases of the urinary system, inflammation, diabetes, gallbladder, and chickenpox. To treat gallstones or kidney diseases, its leaves are boiled. Its flowering period is used to make syrup to control constipation. Topically, it is used to treat wasp stings. In turn, its pulp is used to treat bruises or contusions, snake bites, tumors and rheumatism.

Cassia corymbosa

Cassia corymbosa

They are semi-perennial or perennial shrubs (depending on the winter cold), round in shape and up to 2 meters high. Its alternate, pinnate, dark green leaves are elongated oval (a bit pointed) and have the characteristic of folding at night. The most interesting are its rich yellow flowers with 5 petals. They bloom in the first half of summer and fall. They produce pod-shaped fruits.

They are often used to form clumps, as isolated specimens, and as a small tree in a pot (in this case, it will be pruned to shape). It can thrive in gardens by the sea.

You need full sun exposure and warm temperature. If the frost time is short and the intensity is low (as low as -8 ºC), it can resist frost. As long as the drainage is good, it is a plant that adapts to any type of soil, even calcareous. Considering that they are drought resistant plants, they are watered regularly but rarely. Fertilizer in autumn is enough for them. If we want it to have a more rounded appearance, it is recommended to trim them in early spring, about 50 cm from the ground.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the plants of the genus Cassia and their characteristics.

Plants of the genus Cassia: characteristics, uses and care

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