Vegetable Harvesting | Gardening On

When we sow vegetables in our own garden or greenhouse It is important that we know exactly when it is harvested to ensure that the fruit or leaf is fully developed and ready for the family to eat.

It is for this reason that today we bring you some examples of harvesting the vegetables most used, pay close attention:

  • Tomato: it is important that you bear in mind that the harvesting of tomatoes is longer and more staggered than any other vegetable and begins more or less 10 or 12 weeks after the seeds have been sown. For the harvest, we recommend that you take out the tomatoes every time you need them, either for salad (the hardest) or for sauces, roasts or preserves (the ripest and softest). If you live in a place where there are seasons, I recommend that you pick the green tomatoes before the first frosts arrive and place them in a dry place with a warm temperature so that they ripen faster.

  • Pepper: The peppers can be harvested when they are green or when they are beginning to take color. If you pick them when they are barely green, the plant will start to develop other peppers to replace the one you picked and the harvest will increase in quantity. Keep in mind that to cut the fruits you must use special scissors with a corner of 2 or 3 centimeters.
  • Lettuce: Lettuce should be harvested when the bud is a little consistent. On average, I recommend that you allow 2 months to elapse before the harvest, before the flower rises, to avoid that the leaf becomes bitter and cannot be eaten. Remember that you must cut the plant from the base, at ground level, making sure that there is no water in the bud and that it has not been watered.

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Vegetable Harvesting | Gardening On

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