How to plant a pomegranate tree: the best tips and tricks

how to plant a pomegranate with seeds

The pomegranate is a fruit widely consumed by many people and is easy to grow. Many people do not know well how to plant a pomegranate. The interior of the fruit shines as if filled with edible rubies. If pomegranates are one of your favorite fruits, try growing your own pomegranate tree. Although this plant is more of a bush than a tree shape, you can modify it to look like a tree.

In this article we are going to tell you how to plant a pomegranate, what its characteristics are and what aspects you must take into account for it.

How to plant a pomegranate tree from cuttings

pomegranate cultivation

Choose from a variety of pomegranates. The pomegranate is a small deciduous tree that grows to about 2,5m tall and bears orange flowers in summer. The dwarf pomegranate variety grows smaller, reaching up to 1m in height and is more suitable for pots. You may also like the ruffled blooming petals of the “pretty” varieties.

There are several ways to learn how to plant a pomegranate: with stems, cuttings or seeds. If you grow a pomegranate from seed, there is no guarantee that you will get a particular variety, and you will have to wait three to four years for the plant to bear fruit.

Get pomegranate sprouts or cut them. You can purchase pomegranate seedlings at any local nursery. If you want to eat homegrown pomegranates, make sure you buy a variety that produces edible fruit. However, if any of your friends have their own pomegranate trees, you can also ask them to cut them down. Cut branches at least 25 cm long. Coat the cut ends of branches with hormones to stimulate root growth. You should cut back in February or March when the plant is dormant.

Pomegranate Requirements

how to plant a pomegranate

Pick a sunny spot. Pomegranate trees love the sun, and if they don’t get enough natural light, there’s no guarantee they’ll set fruit. If you don’t have a spot in your garden that gets full sun all day, choose a shady spot with soil that drains well. Pomegranates do not grow in good conditions where the soil is soaked in water. Instead, they need soils that are conducive to drainage, even sandy soils.

Some growers say that slightly acidic soils are best for growing pomegranates, although moderately alkaline soils are also a good choice. In most cases, pomegranates will adapt to the soil they are grown in as long as it is well draining.

Protect pomegranates from wind and excess moisture. Plant pomegranates in a cool, dry spot that is (at least partially) sheltered from the wind. Avoid planting it in damp, dark or cold places in the garden. Remember that pomegranates grow healthier in hot, dry climates.

You should plant pomegranates in early spring after the last frost of winter. Carefully remove the stems from the container. Wash about an inch from the bottom of the root ball to remove excess soil. This way, the plants will grow in the soil faster than if they were simply transplanted from a nursery pot into potting soil. Dig a hole about 2,5 feet wide and place the stem of the pomegranate in it.

If you are growing a pomegranate from cuttings, loosen the soil and insert the pomegranate branch vertically so that the cut end is buried 12-15cm deep and the dormant branch is pointing skyward.

Necessary care

pomegranate care

Water pomegranates immediately after planting. In this way, the soil around the newly planted pomegranate tree will settle better. After the first watering, water it every other day until new leaves start to come out. New leaf growth indicates that the plant has settled into its new home. Gradually reduce the frequency of watering your pomegranates to every 7-10 days.

Water liberally once a week when the tree is flowering or bearing fruit. If it rains, you won’t have to water as much. Once the plant is growing in the ground, fertilize it. Ammonium sulfate-based fertilizers work well with pomegranates. Sprinkle ⅓ cup of fertilizer 3 times during the first year of growth (ideal months are February, May, and September).

Keep the soil around the pomegranate tree weeded. You should keep the area around the pomegranate tree free of weeds or other plants that absorb nutrients from the tree. Keep the area weeded or put a layer of mulch around the tree. Mulch helps to kill and prevent weeds and shrubs and retains essential moisture for plants. If you wish, modifies the shape of the plant to look like a tree.

Maintenance tasks when planting a pomegranate

Although pomegranates are more like a bush than a tree, you can prune them back into trees, as many do. With the help of pruning shears, cut the suckers (twigs that make the plant look like a bush) around the base to give it the shape of a tree. You should do this soon after the plant has grown out of the ground.. If you don’t mind the shape of the pomegranate tree, let it grow naturally.

Remove dead or damaged parts of the plant. While it’s not strictly necessary to prune your pomegranate tree, you should prune off dead or diseased branches in the spring to help it grow better. You can also thin the plant when you think it is necessary. If you are growing your pomegranate tree in a container, you will need to prune more often to maintain the shape and size you want.

Keep the pomegranate in good condition. Prevent mold growth by making sure you don’t over-water your tree. Two other problems some pomegranates have to deal with are pomegranate aphids and pomegranate butterflies. You can find spray products at any nursery or garden store to kill aphids.. Pomegranate butterflies are not very common and usually shouldn’t be a problem, but if they are, use a butterfly spray to kill the larvae on the tree. While butterflies are usually harmless, this particular type of larvae can grow inside pomegranates and destroy the fruit.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to plant a pomegranate tree and what its characteristics are.

How to plant a pomegranate tree: the best tips and tricks

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