Rosa Benjamin Britten, this is the cultivar that changes its flower color

Rosa Benjamin Britten

Can you imagine a rose that when you see its bud and first petals is salmon-colored and, when it fully opens, it is crimson red? Well, it is not a fantasy, it actually exists and it is the Benjamin Britten rose.

But what do you know about her? If you have just met her, and she has caught your attention, then we leave you with all the information we have found about her as well as the care you must provide to have her in your garden. Do not miss it!

How is the rose Benjamin Britten

Details of the interior of the petals

As far as we know, the Benjamin Britten rose was created by UK rose artist David Austin. He managed to get this cultivar out in 2001 by crossing a Charles Austin rose with a seedling. Thus, a bushy rose bush with a maximum height of 120 centimeters arose. Its leaves and stems are dark green and rather dull.

But what stands out the most and where we can find a spectacular bearing is in its flowers. These start out orange, but as the rose opens, it changes color to a deeper red. In total, they are made up of about 41 petals and the average diameter is quite large compared to other roses (we are talking about 2.25″).

It usually blooms in small groups and the bush has a crown shape, with which it will have an almost bare trunk (or several) so that, in the crown, it can have branches, leaves and flowers. And as for the aroma, you know that it is very intense. Those who enjoy it rate it as a fruity fragrance combined with pear and wine.

Since 2001 the rose has evolved and has been distributed all over the world. That is why today it is quite easy to find it in stores, especially online. Now, we must warn you that the price may not be as cheap as with other more common roses. Therefore, if you are going to buy one It is convenient that you know what are the most important care so that you do not go to die.

Benjamin Britten rose care

Intense colors in the petals, a characteristic of this rose

Owning a Benjamin Britten rose bush is not difficult. Taking care of him without knowing anything about him may be. Therefore, to prevent it from dying, or having problems for it to flourish, here we are going to tell you what the most important care is and how you should provide it. Go for it?

location and temperature

Like the rest of the rose bushes, the Benjamin Britten rose needs direct sunlight. That is to say, you will have to put it in the sun so that it develops, grows and blooms properly. If you buy it thinking that it can be adapted indoors, we have to tell you that it is not. You can put it on a balcony, on a terrace, but always in places where it has a minimum of 8 hours of direct light. That is why it is better to plant it (either in a pot or in the ground) in a place where it is almost all day with sunlight.

As for the temperature, it is a rose bush that withstands heat very well, but also cold. Although frost does not take too well and sometimes it is necessary to protect it (not only in the branches, but also in the roots, with a protective mesh that keeps the heat in the ground.


The soil that the rose will need will be one that has good drainage and also maintains humidity. Therefore, a mixture of universal substrate, earthworm humus (or similar) and sand, expanded clay or perlite can be a good combination.

Of course, if you are going to transplant it, let it be in the months of March to May, or from September to November. If you also include a little compost, much better because you will give it an extra subscriber that will not hurt.



Irrigation in the Benjamin Britten rose bush is moderate. This means that, as a general rule, it will be watered every 1-2 days in summer (depending on how hot it is) while, in autumn and winter, a couple of times a week will be more than enough (less if you have a high humidity where you live).


During the spring and summer months, it is good for you to add a little fertilizer for rose bushes at least once every two months. Start with a medium dose, work your way up until mid-summer, then back down again. This way you will not overdo the fertilization or wear down the plant.


Pruning is usually carried out in several phases. The training session takes place in January or February and is to cut the branches according to the shape you want this rose bush to have. Besides, you should remove broken, dead branches, that intersect, etc.

On the other hand, you have maintenance pruning, which you must do all year to eliminate flowers that are useless or to maintain the shape you have given them.

Plagues and diseases

This particular rose bush is one of the most resistant, so you won’t have much of a problem with it. Of course, be careful with lighting and irrigation because you can cause diseases without realizing it.

Even so, you should take a look from time to time in search of snails, slugs or spiders that they can weaken the rose bush. By way of prevention, you should use a product to keep pests at bay.


If you want to propagate the Benjamin Britten rose you can do it through cuttings. When you go to prune, select some that can be used and plant them in a pot following the same care as an adult specimen. They won’t always get ahead, but if they do, you will have a new rose bush that will take a few years to flower, but it will be worth the wait.

You already know that all the care must be adapted to the rose bush you have since it will depend on many factors. But if you follow the basics that we have left you, you will be able to enjoy the Benjamin Britten rose for a long time (and its magical color change). Did you know this variety of roses?

Rosa Benjamin Britten, this is the cultivar that changes its flower color

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