Planting Tomatoes in Hanging Baskets

Hanging baskets aren’t only for flowers. Many gardeners, especially those living in urban areas, use hanging baskets to grow all types of vegetables and foods. Tomatoes are, of course, a major pick and with the proper variety and care, they will be extremely productive!


Growing any plant in hanging baskets gives several advantages, including complete control over the environment, soil, watering and drainage, and more. With tomatoes, these are very critical elements.

Another advantage is with disease and pests. With a dangling plant, pests aren’t likely to possess quick access thereto and most diseases will find it difficult to affect the environmental changes that always happen as hanging plants are moved in and out of doors regularly – indoor-only plants usually are disease-free.

A hanging basket also makes harvesting easier with tomatoes, since they will be set at eye or shoulder level or taken down and assail a table or countertop. Many hanging basket gardeners take their crops directly into the kitchen for harvest – often taking them off the vine and literally onto the plate!


Several options for containers are available. For tomatoes, a strong container that will not crack or break from active roots and a comparatively heavy plant is vital. Most heavy plastic, well-made pottery, or similar containers will have the best.

The container should even be deep and wide enough for the adult size of the variability of tomato chosen. this is often not usually as large as a pot needed for an outsized tomato, of course, but it should be large enough to offer enough space to the plant because it grows.

There also are upside-down tomato planters available for hanging. These are popular because the plant grows down towards the bottom, making harvest easy. These are usually purchased in kits and specific sorts of tomato are going to be recommended to travel with them.


The soil is the most vital part of success with tomatoes growing in hanging baskets. Use an honest soil mix – usually, one for flowers will have the best for tomatoes also. If mixing your own, go heavier on the compost (6:4) if mixing with topsoil. This ensures high levels of nutrients. The soil should be changed each season to make sure high nutrition levels.

Watering will be got to be lighter and more often than if the tomatoes are within the ground. Water on the brink of the basis if possible or from above onto the roots if using an upside-down planter.


The best varieties for hanging baskets are smaller plants. Nearly all kinds of cherry tomatoes within the bush varieties had best in hanging baskets. Tumbling Tom types are a spread specifically bred for hanging baskets, dropping over the edges and cascading 2-3 feet down.

Many bush-style and thick-vined tomato varieties that don’t grow over large (up to 4 feet) also will usually grow well in hanging baskets. If there’s space, even large hybrids like Beefsteak Tomatoes are often grown in hanging planters.

Only a couple of varieties had best the wrong way up, however. Any tomato that’s bushy and features a strong connection to the fruits (tomatoes) will probably grow will the wrong way up. Many specific varieties are available for this sort of growing because of the rising popularity of those planters.

Above all, just remember that hanging plants should be both beautiful and productive! Tomatoes definitely fit that bill.

Planting Tomatoes in Hanging Baskets

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