How to Dry Onions For Storage

Most onions respond well to organic gardening methods, so if you opt to undertake some in your garden, you’ll find yourself with a much bigger yield than you expect. So once more, you’ll be out canvassing the neighborhood with free veggies at the top of the season. If that doesn’t appeal to you, try drying and storing them instead.

It doesn’t take all that much extra effort to make sure that you simply have many fresh, homegrown Vidalias or another sort of onion available during the winter. Just confine mind that your onions got to be thoroughly dried before you create any plan to store them in the least, or they’re likely to rot. Stored onions are very vulnerable to fungus-borne diseases.


To start with, don’t harvest your onion crop until the tops of the onions begin to dry up and go over on their own. At that time, carefully lift them out of the bottom early sunny morning and leave them within the field until late afternoon, in order that they have time to air dry. Then remove the roots and clip the tops back to at least one inch.


Once the tops have dried for several days, spread your onions call at a comparatively cool, dry, and (above all) well-ventilated place out of direct sunlight. allow them to dry for 2-3 weeks; you’ll be ready to tell they’re dry enough when several layers of skin are crisp, papery, and of a consistent color. make certain the neck doesn’t slide in the least once you roll it between thumb and forefinger.


Now that your onions are dry, they ought to be stored somewhere where a lot of air can flow around each onion, keeping them dry in the least times. Check your onions regularly; if you discover a spoiled one, discard it immediately before it infects the others. confirm onions aren’t stored in plastic bags, only mesh bags for airflow.

How to Dry Onions For Storage

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