
The most common garden pests

If you have ever wondered why your plant is covered in a white dandruff-like powder or why it is sticky, the answer is probably that one of the most common garden pests is inhabiting them. What are the most common pests in the garden and orchard? When insects start to invade your plants, you can […]

All about how to plant garlic

The Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is one of the major health remedies that land has to offer and, in fact, has medicinal properties backed by science. Garlic has a substance called allicin, which has antibacterial properties. In addition, it is a natural antibiotic and has sulfur compounds that help detoxify the body, reduce […]

How and when to plant zucchini in your garden at home

Zucchini, known botanically as Cucurbita pepo, is a vegetable belonging to the Curcubitáceas family that has become extremely popular in recent years. The pioneers in the cultivation of this nutritious, tasty, and low-calorie vegetable were the Arabs. Currently, the main world producers of zucchini are North America, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain. Its culinary use […]

How to plant rosemary. Everything you need to know

Rosemary is a plant known for its aromatic fragrance, and because it has been cultivated for a long time in the gardens of Western Europe, as it is often used in cooking. It is a perennial shrub with flowers, which are super attractive and can be a decorative arrangement for the terrace or patio. This […]

Tips for planting parsley in your home garden

Parsley is a biannual herbaceous plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. This aromatic plant is called Petroselinum crispum and is of Mediterranean origin, although it is widespread throughout the world. If you usually consume it to prepare delicious recipes, you will surely want to know how to plant parsley at home. How and when to […]

How and when to plant beans in our garden

Knowing how and when to plant beans in our garden is essential to be successful in cultivation. In the northern hemisphere, specifically in Spain, the planting of broad beans is highly dependent on winter temperatures. When winters are mild, beans can be sown in early or mid-fall, but when they are more rigorous, it will […]

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