Year: 2020

Citrus diseases and pests

How delicious are those juices freshly squeezed from our own oranges! Or the lemons that so well accompany the paella on Sundays! But many of you contact us with questions about your citrus: why is it brown? Why doesn’t it have leaves? Citrus fruits are very delicate depending on where we have them, that’s why we are going […]

How to Get the Perfect Lawn

Beginner’s Intro It’s hard to believe that there’s a single person who doesn’t care about their lawn. But for those of you who truly love your lawn and aspire to perfection, mastering lawn striping is essential. After all, how else will you be able to impress your neighbor each morning when picking up the newspaper […]

The Best Circular Saws for Your Garden

Description: People who like to do things in their homes or gardens on their own need a lot of tools. One tool that is essential for all DIYers out there is a circular saw. If you are a novice to DIY projects, you probably have no clue about all the tools you need and what […]

How to kill weeds

Weed is a plant that grows in an inappropriate place and where you don’t want it to appear. The concept of weed is linked to that of species that grow in crops and if there is something that characterizes them, it is their high dispersal capacity, great persistence and because they are very competitive for the […]

Planting flowers on balconies

Small is beautiful. Summer is just around the corner and your gardener hands are eager to bring a touch of color and flavor to your busy urban life. The only “but” is that you have no garden. However, don’t lose hope! There are a wide variety of plants, whether edible or decorative, that can be grown on the balcony, […]

Tips for growing peppers

Grow a rainbow in your garden by planting peppers in shades of green, orange, red, yellow, purple, or even black. Shapes can be bell, block, ball or elongated. The peppers, in addition to being a nutritional contribution, bring vitamins, fiber and antioxidants to the dining room table. Red peppers provide more than 100 percent of the daily […]

Planting and Growing Tomatoes. Easy and healthy!

We teach you how, when, and where it is possible to grow tomatoes, be sure to read this article and we will tell you how to grow and plant tomatoes in your home, orchard, or garden! Did you know…? Tomatoes are a direct family of aubergines, potatoes, and bell peppers. Fruits and tubers full of […]

How to have a vertical garden at home

The vertical garden at home is a trend. In fact, a fondness for caring for various plants and flowers has spread among people today. The advantages of vertical gardens are many and very varied. Decoration lovers will have in this type of ornament the perfect ally to make their patio or balcony a place worth […]

The most common garden pests

If you have ever wondered why your plant is covered in a white dandruff-like powder or why it is sticky, the answer is probably that one of the most common garden pests is inhabiting them. What are the most common pests in the garden and orchard? When insects start to invade your plants, you can […]

All about how to plant garlic

The Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is one of the major health remedies that land has to offer and, in fact, has medicinal properties backed by science. Garlic has a substance called allicin, which has antibacterial properties. In addition, it is a natural antibiotic and has sulfur compounds that help detoxify the body, reduce […]

How and when to plant zucchini in your garden at home

Zucchini, known botanically as Cucurbita pepo, is a vegetable belonging to the Curcubitáceas family that has become extremely popular in recent years. The pioneers in the cultivation of this nutritious, tasty, and low-calorie vegetable were the Arabs. Currently, the main world producers of zucchini are North America, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain. Its culinary use […]

How to plant rosemary. Everything you need to know

Rosemary is a plant known for its aromatic fragrance, and because it has been cultivated for a long time in the gardens of Western Europe, as it is often used in cooking. It is a perennial shrub with flowers, which are super attractive and can be a decorative arrangement for the terrace or patio. This […]

Tips for planting parsley in your home garden

Parsley is a biannual herbaceous plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. This aromatic plant is called Petroselinum crispum and is of Mediterranean origin, although it is widespread throughout the world. If you usually consume it to prepare delicious recipes, you will surely want to know how to plant parsley at home. How and when to […]

How and when to plant beans in our garden

Knowing how and when to plant beans in our garden is essential to be successful in cultivation. In the northern hemisphere, specifically in Spain, the planting of broad beans is highly dependent on winter temperatures. When winters are mild, beans can be sown in early or mid-fall, but when they are more rigorous, it will […]

Tips for making a tomato seedbed

Many of the people who start in the world of agriculture, start with seedlings because they are much easier to grow and more comfortable. However, planting seeds has many advantages, and beyond reminding you to follow the package instructions to the letter, it is also important that you follow these tips to make a seedbed […]

How to plant peas in your home garden

Peas, are seeds that are enclosed in the pods of the pea. This is part of the family of legumes such as green beans, making them highly nutritious and rich in vitamins A and C, lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. In the market, we can find a large number of peas, but these do not have […]

How to plant peppers in the home garden

At the end of winter, it is the ideal time to start the seedlings of our summer crops such as tomato, zucchini, eggplant or pepper. Planting peppers is easy, but first, you must make the seedbed and then plant them in the garden. Read on to find out how. How to plant peppers? The best […]

All the tips to know how to plant lettuce

07 Nov Planting lettuce is one of the first things that first-time growers in their orchards are advised to do because it is one of the fastest crops to harvest and easiest to grow. Plus, growing up fast allows you to have fewer pests and diseases, which encourages everyone to keep getting into this wonderful […]

All about hydrangea care

Hydrangeas are a type of plant that is included within the Hydrangea genus; They are native to East and South Asia and can find a greater diversity in Korea, Japan, and China. In general, they are a shrub that is between 1-3m tall, although we can also find them in the shapes of lianas, even […]

Types of roses

Roses are a type of plant that can look great in your garden, giving it a touch of color that you are sure to appreciate. The problem is that there is a complete variety of roses, something that can cause confusion for novice gardeners, even professionals. To help you with this we have prepared a […]

Types of palm trees

Palm trees are a type of plant that is very easy to grow and maintain. They bring an exotic touch to the garden and, although they originate from a tropical climate, they can also be adapted to cold climates. It is estimated that there are more than 3,000 species of palm trees distributed throughout the […]

All about how to plant onions

Onion (Allium cepa ), is a type of bulbous vegetable widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. They can be used as an effective treatment for respiratory conditions (for example, to combat the symptoms of a cold or the flu), to create home remedies with which to combat hair loss, dandruff, even to create a […]

How to make a homemade greenhouse

Homemade greenhouses are essential for many people. Since the first greenhouses were built in 1850 for a grape crop, many people have made their own greenhouses, but the information about them is not always abundant. Therefore, we have decided to make this post so that you are fully informed. What are home greenhouses? Basically a […]

How to germinate seeds

If you have already made up your mind and want to set up your own organic garden or vegetable garden, one of the most important criteria to think about is seeds. In the case that we use hybrid seeds or those of poor quality, the germination process can be a real disaster. Although in the […]

Rose cuttings | How to prune a rose bush

Cutting is a procedure used to obtain a new plant from a rose bush. The truth is that with this process they will grab the vast majority of the stamps … but there is an initial consideration before entering the wonderful world of cuttings of a rose: if there is a rose that you like, […]

How to set up a Home Garden step by step

In this post, we try to make a simple guide to understand how to set up a home garden step by step, with which you can start in the world of home gardening. This post aims to be a simple and clear manual with which we want to convey to the reader the interest that […]

Your Guide to Sowing & Growing Plants Indoors!

What all are you able to grow indoors? For beginners, there are tons of plants and flowers that are easy to grow indoors. These include both annual and seasonal veggies like Cabbage, Cucumber, Lettuce, Onion, Runner beans, and Tomatoes. Interestingly, tomatoes are widely grown indoors. Plants like Small Pines, honesty, and Microgreens, which grow all […]

Cancer-preventive foods that you can grow!

We are all aware, yet unaware, of the deadly diseases that surround us today. Surprisingly, these diseases are caused by the foremost natural elements like raw/ uncooked fruits and vegetables, which are believed to be a healthful addition to one’s diet. Nowadays, many sorts of fertilizers and pesticides are getting used to growing fruits and […]

Why Your Healthy Food is Not Healthy for You!

Next time you’ve got lettuce, spinach, peppers, celery, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, cauliflower, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplant, broccoli, and mushrooms on your shopping list, altogether likelihood, you’ll find yourself having shopped some ingredients filled with pesticides for your healthy salad. Before you turn all hearty meals with flavourful salads and soups for the potential […]

Discover The Health Benefits of Cherry Tomatoes

The good news is that it’s not only a taste-bud delight but also has many health benefits. an ideal example of the very fact that healthy and nutritious food is often delicious too. Anti-Carcinogenic Recent research has shown that tomatoes are anti-carcinogenic as they need an abundance of vitamin C which fights cancer cells. Moreover, […]

Parsley: Not Just a Garnish Anymore

So rather than using it even as a garnish, its time to leverage a number of its time-tested nutritional benefits too. Let’s take a glance at a number of the factors which make Parsley a superfood: Abundant Source of Antioxidants With the presence of varied antioxidants like luteolin, lycopene, apigenin, and more, Parsley is understood […]

Spice up your life with easy to grow green chilies!

It is the right start for beginners and therefore the eternal delight of seasoned plantsmen. you’ll be surprised at the number of chilies which will be reaped from one pot. Chilies are extremely easy to grow. You don’t even get to have a garden, try container farming! you’ll be surprised at the amount of chilies […]

Vermicompost – A Boon For Your Yield!

As the compost passes through the body of the worms, it gets enriched with bacteria and microbes, which successively makes it rich in humus and nutrients. It also helps plants to become more disease resistant and repel pests. A great alternative for synthetic fertilizer, vermicompost acts as organic in soil-enriched vegetable potting mixes. What makes […]

A Quick Guide To Starting Your Own Organic Garden

An age-old and sustainable technique of gardening, Organic Gardening has recently been seen making a comeback to the Gardening realm. This comes in the wake of developing and fostering a healthier lifestyle. Both, in terms of the standard of food we consume and therefore the environment we surround ourselves with. Contrary to popular belief, organic […]

How To Take Care Of Your Garden In The Summer

Improve Soil Quality The summer heat can take a toll on the soil quality of your garden. an excellent thanks to enriching the soil is by way of adding organic matter. once you plant, add compost or soil improver to reinforce your soil’s moisture and water-retaining ability. it’ll also help with the transfer of nutrients […]

Best Summer Vegetables To Grow

It not only keeps health troubles cornered but also makes your body feel its best throughout the most well-liked season. So, you would like to not just believe refreshing icy drinks any more! Here are a number of the vitamin-loaded summer vegetables that you simply should definitely grow to form the foremost of this season:  […]

3 simple steps to Preserve Herbs at home

Home-dried herbs also are freed from bacteria, mold, and yeast. Plus by growing your own herbs, you’ll also choose varieties as per taste. There are various herb varieties that will be preserved for six months to at least one year. you’ll plant celery, dill, geranium, fenugreek, lemon balm, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and dry them […]

Grow Kale with these easy steps

It is also super healthy for skin and hair. Rich in vitamins A, C, and K also as potassium, manganese, iron, and copper, the greens are additionally tasty.  It is often steamed, boiled, or eaten fresh in salads or sandwiches. Kale compliments rich flavors like garlic, chiles, onions, and thyme. Kale may be a cool-weather […]

Why Your Seeds Are Not Sprouting?

Seed Storage Storing the seeds within the appropriate manner is crucial to stay their potency. Seeds must be kept out of moist areas to avoid rot. they will pop too early otherwise. it’s also important to stay them out of overheated areas in order that they do not dry out. Store the seeds in an […]

Avoid overwatering mistakes that can kill your flowers

Water is important within the growth of any plant because it offers structural support and supplies the specified minerals from the soil to the places of the plant it’s needed at. Role of water within the plant’s growth Water and seed germination The availability of moisture may be a major factor determining the onset of […]

How to Grow Microgreens at Home

What Are Microgreens? Microgreens are the primary true leaves produced from a seedling of vegetables and herbs that are about 2-3 inches tall. There are numerous sorts of plants including turnips, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, chard, lettuce, spinach, arugula, amaranth, cabbage, beets, parsley, and basil, to call a couple of, which will be grown […]

How To Grow Carrots At Home

Growing Carrots: Points to remember Life Cycle – Biennial Height – Stem (60cm – 100cm); Root (10cm – 25cm) Flowering Season – Around spring within the second year of growing Sowing Season – August to October; for brightly colored carrots, plant right after the last rain of the monsoon season. Sunlight – Partial sunlight; 3-4 […]

How to grow Spinach at home

Growing spinach is as easy as it gets. From sowing seeds to fresh produce, the whole process takes just 60 days Growing Spinach: Basic Requirements Sowing Season -All year round except Dec-Feb Soil Type and Prep – well-drained soil rich in organic matter like compost or composted manure; pH of 6.5 to 7. Germination Temperature […]

How To Grow Cabbage At Home

You can cook it, preserve it, or simply have it raw. and therefore the best part, it’s one among the simplest vegetables to grow. Wouldn’t it’s amazing if you’ll grow cabbage at home? Well, after reading this text, you’d definitely be ready to grow cabbage within the comfort of your home easily. during this article, […]

How To Grow Lettuce At Home

Low in calories, sugar, and fat, Lettuce may be a healthy green that’s mainly grown for his or her tasty green leaves that have a really mild flavor. Lettuce isn’t just cultivated for its leaves but also its stems and seeds. Through this text, we’ll guide you through the essential requirements and care recommendations on […]

How To Grow Jalapenos & Preserve Your Harvest

Are you a lover of spicy food as much as I am? I can’t consider many meals that don’t taste better with a kick of warmth. Learning the way to grow jalapenos in your own garden will provide you with fresh hot peppers for all types of cooking. I have to be honest: We always […]

How To Save Tomato Seeds: It’s Easier Than You Think

If you’re wondering how to save tomato seeds, then the likelihood is that you love growing tomatoes. And once you save seeds from your favorite tomato plants, you don’t need to worry about buying seeds next year. There are other benefits to saving tomato seeds like: being able to save lots of seed from the […]

5 Fast Sprouting Seeds To Grow (For Kids + Beginners)

They say gardening is that the slowest of the humanistic discipline, but it doesn’t need to be that way. during this post, we’ll mention 5 fast sprouting seeds you’ll grow indoors – even right your kitchen counter. These veggies spring to life within a few days of planting which makes them an excellent place to […]

Canning At Home – Tips For True Beginners

When you’re new to canning food at home, the entire process is often intimidating. Not only does it take an honest little bit of time and space within the kitchen, but there’s also that worry that you’ll roll in the hay wrong and obtain sick later. I wont to feel an equivalent way. But once […]

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