Cymbidium orchid: care

The Cymbidium orchid is one of the most suitable orchids for cultivation by beginners or by people who do not want a very demanding or delicate plant in their care. It is a kind of orchid with long-lasting flowers and the appearance of being made of wax. It is a highly appreciated plant in gardening and floristry for the great beauty of its flowers, in colors that range from white to pink, yellow or orange.

If you want to learn how to care for the Cymbidium orchid to keep it at home, keep reading us in this practical article.

Cymbidium orchid: characteristics

To begin, it is convenient to know a little about the main characteristics of the Cymbidium orchid , so we can better understand its needs in terms of care.

  • It is native to Africa, Australia, and tropical Asia.
  • It blooms in the autumn and winter months, the flowers lasting two months.
  • Its large and appreciated flowers have very short petioles, several of them emerging from each rod.
  • The leaves arise from a kind of rounded bulbs, which develop buds annually.
  • There are Cymbidium orchids in two sizes. The largest reach up to one meter.
  • There are also epiphytes or terrestrial ones. Those that are sold for interior are usually of the first.
Cymbidium Orchid: care - Cymbidium Orchid: characteristics

Cymbidium orchid: care – practical guide

In short, these are the basic care of the Cymbidium orchid :

  • Light: they need a lot of lighting, but not direct sunlight.
  • Climate: Most are from cold climates, but some tolerate mild warm temperatures.
  • Irrigation: irrigations of moderate frequency and low volume. You always have to water them with warm water.

Light and location

Light is very important for Cymbidium orchids. Most orchids need to be in very bright locations , but few of them tolerate direct exposure, especially in hot climates or intense sun. If you grow it indoors, keep it in a particularly bright room, near a window. Outdoors, they can also thrive at the foot of a tree.

If you notice that the leaves of your Cymbidium begin to turn a few shades of dark green, it is likely that your plant needs more light. It is also important if this plant is in an area with good ventilation , as well as in a place where it does not suffer sudden changes in temperature .


Cymbidium have their optimum temperature range around 15 ° -18 ° C . However, they can tolerate night temperatures of up to 10ºC in cold months, and up to 30ºC for not very long periods in warm months.

Watering the Cymbidium orchid

These plants require that their soil or substrate never dry out completely , maintaining a certain degree of humidity at all times but avoiding puddles in the soil , which are very harmful to the plant. The specific frequency will depend on the soil or substrate itself and the climate of the area, but the rule of maintaining certain humidity at all times without ever flooding must be respected.

Cymbidium orchid: care - Watering the Cymbidium orchid

Soil and compost

The best thing with Cymbidium orchids is to use a substrate or soil with very good drainage to avoid waterlogging. It is advisable to use a specialized substrate, or one made with sphagnum, polystyrene and perlite. 

These plants also need to be regularly fertilized with some fertilizer with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. You can also use organic fertilizers, such as worm castings. If you use chemical fertilizers, be sure to adhere to the specific amounts for orchids, diluting the amounts sufficiently.

Cymbidium orchid transplant

Here are some practical tips for transplanting Cymbidium orchids :

  • They do not require a transplant every year. Instead, it is normal to transplant them every 3 to 4 years after the plant produces flowers. Ideally, transplant them in early spring , when the plant has not yet resumed its full activity and can better adapt to the new soil.
  • In the transplant, it is advisable to wet the roots and substrate a lot, so that they are more flexible and it is more difficult for them to break or damage in the process of cleaning them of all material. It is also important to cut dry or damaged roots, pruning them with properly disinfected tools. 
  • Always use a container slightly larger than the previous one, and add some specific fertilizer after transplanting.
Cymbidium orchid: care - Cymbidium orchid transplant

Cymbidium orchid pests and diseases

As with so many other plants, the most common pests that it suffers are the spider mite, thrips and the mealybug . They can be treated with organic homemade insecticide without too many problems. 

Regarding orchid fungi and other related diseases, it is rare that it suffers its attack if its adequate humidity conditions are respected, but they will appear in the event of excessive humidity. 

Cymbidium orchid: care

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