Gladioli: care

In this practical guide we want to tell you a little more about this spectacular flowering plant. This plant is actually a whole genus of perennial bulbs in the Iridaceae family. Normally used as an ornamental plant, it requires specific care to achieve an abundant flowering every year. In addition, there are more than 250 varieties approximately, with different sizes of spike, color of the flowers and size of the same. If you want to have a touch of color in your home or garden, do not miss the rest of the information and advice that we offer below on the care of gladioli .

Gladioli: characteristics

These are the main characteristics of the genus Gladiolus :

  • They are native to the Middle East, southern Africa and southern Europe.
  • Its “bulbs” are actually called corms.
  • Its flower spikes show a wide range of colors. These range from warm, reddish and yellowish tones, to colder tones such as purples and purples-
  • The flowers can also have a great variety of sizes
  • The plant reaches heights of up to one and a half meters.
  • Like most bulbs it is a genus of perennials.
  • Its flowering usually occurs between the summer and autumn months.
  • They are temperate plants.
Gladioli: care - Gladioli: characteristics

Gladioli: care – practical guide

In summary, these are the basic care of gladioli :

  • Light: the vast majority of gladioli need a great deal of light.
  • Climate: its ideal temperature ranges from 10ºC to 24ºC.
  • Soil: sandy, with very good drainage
  • Irrigation: moderate, abundant in its early stages
  • Subscriber: from when the plant reaches a height of 25 cm and once again at the beginning of flowering.
  • Trained: the tallest species need it.

Light and weather

Gladioli, being a plant typical of temperate climates such as the Mediterranean where they flourish dramatically, need to receive constant sunlight . In fact, in the case of not receiving it, it is very possible that it does not produce any flower. However, if we are in a climate with high temperatures, we recommend placing the plant in a semi – shady place so that it is not always exposed to sunlight, since this can not only damage the flowers but also the stems. So it will be better if the plant remains covered during the hours of greatest solar intensity.

As we have commented above, most of the species of this genus are found in optimal conditions in a temperature range that goes from 10ºC to 24ºC . They are, therefore, temperate plants. Although there are exceptions, such as the Gladious nanus , which can withstand temperatures typical of colder climates, although not extreme.

Gladioli: care - Light and climate

Gladiolus soil

These plants can adapt to a large number of soil types, as long as they offer good drainage. If what we want is to provide them with optimal conditions, our gladioli will appreciate having a sandy and loose soil . If you do not have a soil of these characteristics, it will be enough to locate your gladioli in a place where vegetables have grown.

Watering the gladioli

The risk of gladioli alone should be abundant in the early stages of plant growth. In this phase we must prevent the soil from drying out completely at any time. After the initial stage, the waterings should be reduced somewhat, although it is important that the plant does not have water deficiencies before flowering, since if this is the case, it may not flower. For this reason, proper soil drainage is important , allowing us to provide constant watering without ever flooding.

Gladioli: care - Watering the gladioli

Fertilizer for gladioli

Gladioli will grow much more vital in soils enriched with compost such as compost . However, you should be careful to avoid using manure or chicken manure – these plants tend not to react well to it. Therefore, as always, earthworm humus will be one of our best allies in the cultivation of gladioli, since it contributes a large amount of nutrients to the soil in addition to favoring the development of beneficial microorganisms.

Training and maintenance

It is very important to keep gladiolus soil free of weeds and adventitious plants, as these plants are not good at competing for nutrients. In addition, the taller species will need their flower pods to be staked or guided , since if they are not staked they can bend and fall to the ground.

Gladioli: care

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