
Cactus grafting: how to do it and care

You have probably seen at some point, either online or in a florist or specialized store, one of those showy colored cacti grafted onto a base of another cactus. If you want to learn how to make one of those striking grafts yourself and, incidentally, learn more about this type of union between two different species, join us […]

How to plant bamboo

Bamboos are a very popular plant in the decoration of homes and businesses, both indoors and in gardens, due to their undemanding care and the striking Asian touch they bring to any environment. However, they have the downside that many of their species are very invasive, and a series of factors must be taken into account […]

Peonies: how to care for them and their meaning

Peonies, with the scientific name Paeoniaceae, are a whole family of plants with origin in Europe, North America and China and their surroundings. The species of wild peonies, which are 3, can be found in the Iberian Peninsula and in the Maghreb. One of its legends tells that this plant is named after Paeon, a medicine apprentice […]

Gardenia care

Gardenia is a plant native to China that belongs to the Rubiaceae family. It has more than 100 different species, which are highly appreciated in the world of gardening thanks to their beautiful and fragrant flowers. However, gardenia is also known for not being an easy plant to care for. If you plan to get one of […]

18 flowering trees

In this article I am going to show you some of the tree species that you can find in your city and, if you are one of those lucky ones with private land, plant them and take care of them in your garden. These trees with beautiful flowers fill the landscape with color, displaying their magnificent coloration. Therefore, […]

How to care for orchids

Orchids are actually a whole family of plants, so varied that they have more than 25,000 species. The great diversity that they present in their morphology has made them one of the most popular flowering plants among fans of gardening and decoration because, despite their enormous variety, all orchids have large and showy flowers. However, caring […]

Types of sprouts and how to make them

Sprouts are becoming more fashionable every day. And it is normal that they are, it is a food easy to digest and of great nutritional value, which also often includes a great contribution of antioxidants. In fact, germinated seeds have been consumed by humans for practically all of history, but now there is a greater awareness […]

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