How to plan a small garden

When space is limited, every inch of your garden becomes a very important corner. While gardening in a small garden has its challenges, we also have to say that it has its advantages. A small garden has less maintenance and in addition, you will be able to know your garden at a much deeper level. If you want to have a small garden, you should know that you can have great advantages.

Before starting with your small garden, it will be necessary to have a vision of what you hope to achieve in your new garden, and also, you must have a basic description of the space in which you will have your small garden. This may lead you to have many ideas or to have great terror.

Evaluate the conditions of the place

When the time comes, the ideal is to write and draw your small garden plan on paper, so as if you were a designer you will know where you have to start. For this reason you will have to know the climatic conditions you have and the type of soil you have in your garden, so you can assess whether it is better to have some plants or others.

While it is true that it is not the most fun aspect of gardening, it is necessary and is the first step in evaluating exactly what you need to consider. Some important aspects that you have to know are: the exposure to the sun that you can provide to your plants, the soil, the characteristics of the environment, etc. A good site evaluation will help you answer many questions about gardening.

How to plan a small garden - Evaluate the conditions of the place

Don’t forget the design

It is very tempting to start choosing the plants that you like the most without taking anything else into account, but it is not the right decision. Gardens that are made in this way end up being redesigned at some point because they were not the most appropriate decisions to create it.

Not all plants will grow well in your garden and that is why you should know which ones will. In this sense, do not skimp the time evaluating your garden so that the design is much easier.

Think about the style and the advantages and limitations

It is good to have an idea of what style you want to have in your garden, just as it happens with the decoration of your home. You can think of a more formal or informal style and even think of a specific style such as Zen.

Most of us tend to have preferences when it comes to colors for example. But it is always a good idea to take some time to carefully consider what you want to achieve in your small garden.

Plants need what they need, there is no point fighting for a wooded garden if you have too much sun. Few flowering plants bloom in a garden under a tree. If you have a vegetable crop, you’d better take into account sun exposure and proximity to a water supply. You must know the advantages and limitations of the place, so you can start shaping your space in the garden.

How to plan a small garden - Think about the style and the advantages and limitations

Limitations of a small garden

The space constraints are also important to have them present. If you have always dreamed of a big beautiful garden with fresh flowers, surely a small garden cannot fulfill that dream. On the other hand, if you want to have a small garden with about 5 types of plants or if you know that you do not have space for all the plants you want, you will only have to choose those that you like the most and that adapt to the characteristics of the place.

As you can see, it is very important to be able to take into account the conditions of the place in order to plan a small garden.

How to Plan a Small Garden - Limitations of a Small Garden
How to plan a small garden

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