Caring for the Santa Rita plant

The plant known as Santa Rita or bougainvillea belongs to the Rubiaceae family and to the Ixora genus, which has about 500 species of shrubs. They originate from all continents, and there is also a great variety of hybrids and varieties in each species. This particular plant is also known as isoca, ironwood, Maltese cross, lanthanum, jungle flame, or coral reef.

It is a shrub with leathery leaves that are dark green and oval but pointed. It can reach one meter in height indoors. It produces many inflorescences with tubular flowers that can be of various colors such as white, orange, red, or salmon. With the right conditions, it can bloom smoothly throughout spring and summer. In the following article, we will talk to you about the care of the Santa Rita plant.

Main care of the Santa Rita plant

  • Location: it has to be in a place where it receives light shade during the winter and more light during the summer, but never direct sunlight. You also have to be careful with having it near drafts or a heater.
  • Temperature : it must be between 16 and 30ºC throughout the year, and that of the earth must be around 20ºC.
  • Pruning : it will be enough to do one when spring begins, in which you will have to remove damaged or old branches.
  • Pests and diseases : if the environment is very dry, it can be attacked by mealybugs. If it is cold it will lose the leaves, while if it receives the sun directly they will roll up.
Santa Rita Plant Care - Main Santa Rita Plant Care

Bougainvillea care:

  • Soil – A 50% mix of leaf mulch and garden soil is the best option. It does not support calcareous soils.
  • Irrigation : it has to be moderate and always using warm water and without lime. In winter you should water less frequently, and the humidity should be high during spring and summer.
  • Fertilizer : apply mineral fertilizer once a month during spring and summer so that flowering is favored.

Bougainvillea or Santa Rita cultivation

  • Transplantation : do it only when absolutely necessary since it does not support it well and could die with the change.
  • Multiplication : it is quite complicated for non-professionals, so it is best to buy the copy in an authorized store.
Caring for the Santa Rita plant

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