Types of humus

Surely on more than one occasion, you have heard about the need for hummus in plants and in the soil in your garden, but have you ever wondered what type of element is humus? It is for this reason that today we are going to tell you a little about this organic fertilizer that is essential for the perfect condition of our plants and the land where they are planted.

Humus is the substance that results from the decomposition of organic remains. This decomposition occurs thanks to organisms and microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. You are probably thinking that humus is a synonym for compost, however, it is important to bear in mind that hummus has a much higher degree of decomposition than compost, so it is not possible to know if it is of vegetable or animal origin. In fact, the degree of decomposition is so high that it is not possible for it to undergo further disintegration.

It is important to note that the organic matter that decomposes produces humus that can come from different plant fragments, such as secretions from roots, plants, even animals, and their excrements.

In the same way, we can speak of two types of humus according to the time they have been decomposing, so we classify them as old humus, and young humus. Young humus can be divided into two categories: those that have formed in aerated soils, such as mull, moder or mor, and those that are formed in non-aerated soils, such as peat and anmoor.

Types of humus

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