How to treat infected mosquito bites

You are walking quietly through your garden, enjoying the perfume that emanates from the flowers, the shade of the trees, the sound of the birds… until suddenly you hear a buzzing that you don’t like at all. It comes from one of the insects that can bother us the most, because if it reaches us… it will make that area itchy for several days.

If you are one of those who cannot avoid scratching, I am going to explain how to treat infected mosquito bites . Take note.Garden

Nobody likes mosquitoes in their garden, so it is highly recommended to put anti- mosquito plants , such as lavender or rosemary.

I can’t stand mosquitoes, I’m sure you can’t either, right? They become really annoying, since they are not satisfied with just biting you once. If you live in a warm area, you can get to have even inside the house, something that can prevent you from reading a book or watching television with peace of mind. Fortunately, there are remedies for those infected wounds to heal .

The first, also the most important and, above all, the most difficult to “apply” is: stop scratching . Yes, I know. It costs a lot, but you should know that the nails are full of bacteria that can make the problem worse. But don’t worry, you can do something else.Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel is an effective healing agent that will also relieve itching.

To avoid the temptation to scratch, you should clean the area with soap and water, apply a little Aloe vera gel on the wound, and cover it with gauze. You will see how it relieves your itching in a jiffy 😉 . Another option is, if you do not have this plant, add a little baking soda in water to form a paste, and apply it to the affected area.

If you see that the wound, despite this care, begins to look very bad, that is, if it begins to ooze or bleed, do not hesitate to go to the doctor to have it checked out.

Do you know other remedies to relieve itching from mosquitoes?

How to treat infected mosquito bites

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