Prune geraniums, the art of cutting

Geraniums are highly chosen each season because it is a very beautiful plant thanks to its red, pink or white flowers.

There is a great variety of geraniums, since there are more than four hundred species, although the most popular are the common geranium, the pansy geranium, the scented geranium and the ivy-leaved geranium.

If you want to grow geraniums , you must have a semi-sunny place because it is important that the plant does not receive direct sun. On the other hand, irrigation should be highlighted, especially during the warmer months as the plant must be properly hydrated at all times.

Another important point to have the plant in good condition is pruning and that is why today we dedicate ourselves to it in order to know how to carry it in the correct way.

The importance of pruning


Geranium pruning should always occur in late winter or early spring to strengthen the plant. That is why it is not about trimming subtly but about making radical cuts, almost at ground level.

Pruning geraniums is important because in this way it is possible to redirect the energy of the plant and make the plant develop more flowers and in turn the cuts are necessary to preserve the size and shape of the plant, preventing it from being too tall and thin. During pruning then, the lateral stems will have to be cut so that the central parts of the plant are strong, since from these the flowers will be born.

These lateral stems should not be discarded as they can be reused to grow new geranium plants. With them it is possible to make cuttings by choosing those stems less than 10 cm long and cutting them before their respective nodes. Then you have to remove the leaves with the exception of a couple, which should be at the top of the cutting.

Secondary pruning

red geraniums

In addition to the pruning mentioned above, some gardeners also do a light pruning in the fall to remove any remaining blooms. Beyond performing this pruning or not, what is important is to trim the geraniums regularly in order to eliminate withered flowers or weak stems because they waste the plant’s energy.

Your geranium plant should look even and have a rounded shape and that is why I recommend you eliminate everything that you feel is too much.

Prune geraniums, the art of cutting

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