How to take care of a lemon tree

It is a fruit that we use to prepare drinks, fight pests and even to lower the pH of irrigation water if it is too high for our plants. But… today we have to learn how to take care of a lemon tree , not only to be able to continue having it as an indisputable ally in the care of our garden, but also to keep it healthy for many, many years.

Find out how to get it.

lemon tree

The lemon tree is a citrus whose scientific name is Citrus x limon . It is native to Asia, and with a height of no more than 4m we can have it both in the garden and in a pot , since it also tolerates pruning very well. Although it is not demanding in terms of soil type, it is true that in limestone soils it can have chlorosis due to a lack of minerals. This is a problem that is easily avoided by fertilizing it throughout the growing season, that is, from spring to late summer or early fall if the weather is mild, using organic products such as guano, earthworm humus, or compost. .

One of the most important and necessary cultivation tasks for our plants is undoubtedly irrigation. We will have to water the lemon tree about three times a week in summer , especially if it is very hot with temperatures above 30 degrees, and between one and two the rest of the year .

Cochineal on lemon tree

The pests that most affect it are mealybugs , red spiders and aphids , which begin to appear with the arrival of good weather and can seriously damage the tree. They do not endanger their lives, but they do cause great damage to the leaves. To avoid the presence of these annoying parasites, preventive treatments should be carried out as soon as the risk of frost has passed , until the arrival of the autumn period. We will spray it with Neem oil, infusions of nettle and/or garlic to maintain the health of our tree.

As we said, as it has recovered well from pruning, it can be kept in a -large- pot without any problems. Remember to prune it after the harvest of the fruits , which is when it shows less activity, removing all the dry and/or damaged branches , and also the shoots that usually appear in the lower part of the trunk.

How to take care of a lemon tree

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