Plant multiplication methods: single and multiple layering

How to make garden plants multiply? There are several techniques that you can choose from and one of them is layering, an artificial method that allows the proliferation of new plants from an initial plant , these children repeating the same physical characteristics as those of their “mother”.

But to start talking about layering, you have to know that there are several types of layering and that they vary both in their characteristics and the steps to be followed, as well as in the type of mother plant chosen. Simple layering and multiple layering are two widely used methods for plant propagation and quite similar, although with some differences that are worth discovering.

single elbow

Simple layering is a technique used in some shrubs and vines such as Honeysuckle or Bignonia. It must be done in spring and from branches between 1 and 2 years old. They should be low, flexible branches, the kind that can easily bend to the ground.

This will be vital as the next step is to make a cut on the underside of the curved part. The cut should be diagonal and about 2.5 cm long. Then the cut is covered with a rooting hormone liquid and the leaves that are in the surroundings of the area are removed, but leaving leaves at the tip.


Then you have to arch the branch to the ground and bury the part that has the cut. You can help support the arched branch by using a bobby pin. The last step is to water the branch during the dry season and remove any weeds or weeds that may appear.

At the end of the following winter, a new branch will be born next to the mother plant that will have to be cut below the new roots.

multiple elbow

Multiple layering is similar to the previous one, but instead of burying the branch in a single point, it is buried in several points, in order to obtain several new plants from a mother branch.

In this case, it will be necessary to leave a leaf and a bud in each portion of the stem in which a cut is made so that the layering develops better as there is more sap for the new plants.

Plant multiplication methods: single and multiple layering

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