3 ecological insecticides for your garden

For the field of gardening and agriculture and, in general, for the care of plants, insecticides are sometimes necessary to avoid possible pests that attack them. There are many types of insecticides in the world, however, insecticides are powerful contaminants of water when filtered and can also harm the plant if their concentration is excessive.

To avoid this type of problem and harm the environment, there are ecological insecticides. These are characterized by having a more neutral effect on the environment and do not pollute the water. Do you want to know what these ecological insecticides are and what characteristics and functions they have?


  • 1 Ecological insecticides
  • 2 Summer Oil
  • 3 garlic
  • 4 tamp

ecological insecticides

As I mentioned before, ecological insecticides are less polluting and do not harm the environment since their origin is natural. When we talk about organic gardens or organic farming we always refer to the practice and production of fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants in a way that is not offensive to the environment. That is why we use ecological insecticides .

What types of insecticides are there? Well, there are numerous ecological insecticides and others that we ourselves can create from objects or homemade products.

summer oil

summer oil

The first is summer oil. It is a formulation that contains only paraffinic oils that are totally respectful with the environment. In addition, it has the advantage that, as it is highly pure, it is fully compatible with other products, except for sulphur-containing ones.

This insecticide acts by forming an impermeable layer on the insect or in areas where it is protected that prevents it from breathing. Keep in mind that this insecticide is contact, so we have to insist on applying it directly to the pest or insect in question. On the other hand, it has a coadjuvant effect combined with other products by increasing their adherence. It is very efficient against mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids and mites such as red spiders. If after applying this insecticide we want to use a product with sulfur, we must wait more than 40 days.


garlic insecticide

Garlic can be a perfect ecological insecticide. It is obtained by macerating and pressing sterilized garlic bulbs in order to prolong its life. Garlic also serves as a fungicide and bactericide. Its properties are more extensive. They affect species of insects such as suckers, aphids, chewing larvae, etc.

It acts by ingestion, causing certain digestive disorders and the insect stops feeding. In some cases it causes some irritation on the skin of the caterpillars. It also serves to repel some birds that may eat our crops or our plants. One of the drawbacks is the change in smell that it causes to the plant. It’s good for keeping pests out, but a garden that stinks of garlic isn’t very pretty.

The fields of action of garlic are:

  • Crops: Flowers, ornamentals, fruit trees, grasses, legumes, vegetables and vineyards.
  • Pre-harvest: controls insect pest problems of various species, especially for preventive control in miners, suckers, borers and chewers.
  • Affected pests: aphids, codling moth, aphids, potato beetle, weevils, wireworm, army lizard, small cabbage butterfly, etc.

tamp down

bees parasitized by mites

bees parasitized by mites

It is the last ecological insecticide that we are going to see today. It is an insecticide used to control Varroasis. It is composed of potassium salts of vegetable fatty acids, Citrus Paradisi, Thymus Vulgaris and Neem Extract.

Varroasis is an external parasitosis that affects the honey bee in all its stages of development. It is produced by the « Varroa Jacobsoni Oudemans » mite and is causing a high mortality rate for bees. The females of these mites are the ones that parasitize the bees, especially the drones that come and go and move further away from the hive.

With these insecticides we can have our organic garden much better taken care of and without damaging the environment or the water.

3 ecological insecticides for your garden

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