Compost for the family garden

Nowadays, there are many people who make the decision to have a home garden on a roof terrace, balcony or in the garden and it is that with the idea of ​​having healthier and much more natural food, this is a kind of garden that is has become an ideal alternative for all people who have in mind to harvest their own fruits and vegetables.

To get the most out of the family garden, when planting we have to  correctly choose the area where we are going to cultivate , taking into account that the size is the most suitable for what we want to plant and that it can also have the necessary amount of light. solar so that each of the plants has the best growth.


  • 1 The importance of fertilizer in an orchard
  • 2 Do you know the green manure?

The importance of compost in a garden

Compost and mixed soilIn the market we can find different types of manures and fertilizers that can be adapted to various kinds of terrain.

A home or family garden must be organic and have the ability to collect all the necessary nutrients from the organic waste that the manure or compost is made of.

However, we can find brands on the market that also offer organic matter fertilizers so that our garden does not have problems. It is in a kind of fertilizer that we can get with elements that are composted , since in this way it is of great help so that the soil is of excellent quality, increasing the flow of air and the capacity to retain water as well as the nutrients.

In the market and in the same way, we can find liquid fertilizers that are natural . We have to mix these fertilizers with water when watering the plants and their way of using them is quite simple.

The fertilizers that are artificial are very helpful so that the roots of the plants have a better development and they are especially excellent so that the plants do not expand by the crops, apart from allowing absorption to be much easier. Industrial humus, in general, is classified into solid fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, solid and liquid anti -plagues in the same way, the latter, as its name indicates, have the ability to maintain control of pests such as ants, wasps, cockroaches and many others and phytosanitary products where herbicides, fungicides and insecticides are found.

But the most appropriate and healthy for the environment is that we use a fertilizer made up of organic matter for our family garden.

Do you know the green manure?

green manure to kill weedsGreen manure is another of the alternatives that we can use so that our garden is healthy and fertile enough. With this we refer to the possibility of cultivating certain plants so that the soil where we want to cultivate has enough nutrients and it is that, in general, it has roots that are deep and in this way it achieves that the soil is not so compact, just as it is of great help so that the minerals contained in the subsoil dissolve correctly for greater fertility.

Another of the main functions that green manure has is to be a protective layer of the area where we want to cultivate and this is due to the fact that in certain cases the soil remains a long time without being sown, something that can cause it to be lost. fertility, it is for this reason that green manures fulfill the function of being a layer capable of protecting the soil from the damage that can be caused by rain, sun or even wind and in the same way it is of great help to avoid the evaporation.

Apart from that it is also very helpful so that we can avoid the growth of weeds in our family garden.

Usually these are plants that are sown in the spring or summer , but there are also types of green manure that can be sown in the winter. Among the green fertilizers that we can mention are the common vetch, the white mustard or also the rye.

Compost for the family garden

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