Male banana (Musa balbisiana)

The flowers of the Musa balbisiana

Image – Wikimedia / Phyzome

The plant known as plantain It is a giant herb or megaforbia that, although it is not cultivated as much as other species, it can still be seen in nurseries and, therefore, also in gardens. And it is that its beauty… it is not for less.

In addition, its growth rate is fastQuite actually if you have a regular supply of water and you are in an area with a warm climate, so you will be able to harvest its fruits in no time.

Origin and characteristics

View of the leaves of the male banana

Image – Flickr / kafka4prez

Known by the scientific name balbisian muse and for the common green plantain or male plantain, it is a rhizomatous plant belonging to the Musaceae family native to Australasia, especially Southeast Asia. It reaches seven meters in height, with a false trunk whose thickness is up to 30 centimeters. New shoots sprout from its roots, replacing the mother plant when it blooms and dies.

The leaves are arranged in a spiral, and are 3 meters long by up to 60cm wide, and are green in color. The flowers are grouped in pendulous inflorescences, those of the upper rows being female and those of the lower ones being male. The fruit is a false berry 7-15cm long and up to 4cm in diameter, and inside they contain black seeds up to 6x5mm.

What are the care of the male banana?

Fruits of the Musa balbisiana

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang

If you want to have a copy, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:


It is a plant that has to be outside, in full sun. As it removes suckers, it must be planted at a distance of at least 5 meters from walls, walls, pipes, etc., since this not only will not cause problems but, in addition, you can better enjoy its beauty.


  • Flower pot: the substrate must be fertile, with a neutral or slightly acidic pH. In order not to complicate too much, you can use this which is for acidophilic plants.
  • the garden: the earth must be equally neutral or acidic; if it is not, make a hole of at least 1m x 1m, cover it with shading mesh and then fill it with the substrate mentioned above.


How often to water the male banana? Well the answer is really very simple: irrigation must be very often. In fact, you can almost treat it like an aquatic plant, keeping the soil or substrate always moist. But be careful, try not to flood it.

If you have it in a pot, you can put a plate under it -or a bowl- and fill it every time you see it with little water.

Use by the way one without lime or rain. If you can’t get it, pour the juice of a whole lemon in 1l of water, or a tablespoon of vinegar in 5l / water. Otherwise, you could have iron chlorosis problems, which would manifest itself with the yellowing of the leaves, leaving the nerves visible.


The guano powder is very good for the lantern tree

Guano powder.

In spring and summer (and even in autumn if the weather is warm) it should be fertilized with organic fertilizers, such as guano, mulch or others. If you have it in the garden or orchard, spread a layer of about 5cm around it, mix a little with the surface and water; and if it is in a pot, use fertilizers in liquid form (on sale here!) following the instructions specified on the package.


You do not need it, but it is advisable to remove the dry leaves, as well as the withered flowers and fruits.


It multiplies by seeds and by division of shoots in spring. Let’s see how to proceed in each case:


  1. Fill a seedling tray (for sale here!) with substrate for acidic plants.
  2. Water thoroughly, soaking the entire substrate.
  3. Place a maximum of two seeds in each socket.
  4. Cover them with a thin layer of substrate.
  5. Water again, this time with a sprayer.
  6. Enter a label on which you will have written the name of the plant and the sowing date.
  7. Place the tray outside, in full sun, and keep the substrate moist.

That way they will germinate in about a month.

Shoot separation

  • If it’s on the ground: to separate them you have to dig trenches about 40cm deep and with the help of a handsaw or serrated knife separate them from the mother plant. Then, with a hoe, remove them and plant them in other places.
  • If it’s in a pot: you can separate them by cutting it with a knife. If the plant is not very big, remove it from the container so you can better separate the suckers.


The male plantain resists frosts of up to -10ºCalthough it prefers warm climates.

What uses is it given?

Green bananas are eaten raw


It is a very decorative plant, with an easy cultivation. Its leaves, large, and its flowers give a tropical touch to any garden, patio or terracewith what is without a doubt an interesting species to have with you.


The fruits they are consumed raw in smoothies, or in a similar way to potatoes. They are also interesting in salads.

With them, banana flour is made, which is used to prepare cakes.

Its nutritional value per 100 grams (raw) is as follows:

  • Water: 65,3g
  • Calories: 122kcal
  • Fat: 0,37mg
  • Protein: 1,3g
  • Carbohydrates: 30,89g
  • Fiber: 2,3g
  • Potassium: 499mg
  • Phosphorus: 34mg
  • Iron: 0,6mg
  • Sodium: 4mg
  • Magnesium: 37mg
  • Calcium: 3mg
  • Zinc: 0,14mg
  • Vitamin A: 1,127IU
  • Vitamin B1: 0,05mg
  • Vitamin B2: 0,05mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0,3 mg
  • Vitamin C: 18,4mg
  • Vitamin E: 0,14mg
  • Niacin: 0,67mg


If it is consumed boiled or in vegetable purees, it will be a good ally for the digestive systemrelieving the symptoms of gastritis, constipation, and intestinal diseases. It will also help you have a stronger digestive system, reduce cholesterol, and make your heart work better.

What did you think of the male or green banana?

Bananas are edible fruits

Related article:

What is the difference between plantain and banana?

Male banana (Musa balbisiana)

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