Discover the grass of the manso, a very beautiful medicinal plant

The meek grass It produces very striking white flowers, so much so that I recommend you get some seeds from now on and grow them in pots and then transfer them to the garden … or keep them in these containers? . And, in addition, it is medicinal as you will discover below. If you don’t have much – or no – experience caring for plants, don’t worry: with this you will not have problems.

In this article we are going to explain all the characteristics, origin, cultivation and properties of the manso plant.

Origin and characteristics of the grass of the meek

Our protagonist is a perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico whose scientific name is Californica anemopsis. It is popularly known as the grass of the meek. It reaches a height of about 80 centimeters, with basal leaves that measure from 5 to 60cmare elliptical-oblong, and green in color. The flowers are grouped in terminal, compact, conical, and white inflorescences. The fruits are capsules inside which we will find from 18 to 40 brown seeds, from 1-1,5 to 0,8-1mm.

Its growth rate is fast, so you will not have to wait long to enjoy its floral beauty or its health benefits, which are:

  • External use: in decoction for burns, bleeding, swollen and / or sore feet. As a poultice, previously roasting the leaves is used to extract the venom of the scorpion or spider.
  • Internal use: the plant is cooked and strained in a glass. This resulting liquid is used for respiratory diseases, as well as for flatulence, postemia, dysentery, and stomach problems.

What are their cares?

If you dare to have a copy, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:


Place your manso grass outside, in full sun. It cannot live in partial shade.

And it is that sunlight is part of its life and when it does not get enough sun it will tend to die, so you have to place it in an area where it receives the greatest number of hours of sun, avoiding shadows at all costs.

Even in the hottest areas, you’ll still want that sun. Yes, it is true that you will have to water it more in summer, but even so, the sun will do you good. Of course, if you have just acquired it, it may need a small adaptation to the climate before you have it to avoid problems (burns especially).


As for the land, you must take into account two important aspects:

  • Flower pot: universal culture substrate mixed with 30% perlite.
  • Yard: it is indifferent as long as it has good drainage and is fertile.

The grass of the meek is a plant that adapts very well to any type of terrain and land. Therefore, it is one of the most resistant plants that exist. However, when it is kept in a pot, due to the fact that the roots are limited and cannot find the nutrients they need, it is necessary to give it that food, which is why a universal soil must be chosen. And why is it mixed with perlite? To give more oxygen to the roots. Perlite prevents the soil from compacting, making the roots break easily or cause problems with them. In this way, they can develop well by entering the spaces it generates.

There are others that use somewhat larger stones, such as akadama or similar, to make the earth even looser. It’s not a bad idea either, although perlite is much cheaper compared to other solutions.


The manso grass plant is quite fond of irrigation. In fact, it likes to have moist soil (not soaking wet) all the time, so you can’t get lost if you don’t want the plant to suffer. In general, we could tell you that you will need 3-4 times a week in summer and every 4-5 days the rest of the year.

However, it all depends on the climate you are in and how hot or dry it is in the environment.

As we have told you before, the plant needs sunlight, which will mean that it is always outdoors. But wind, extreme heat, or weather can make it dry out easily. Therefore, you have to establish a routine for irrigation.

Of course, it should not be drowned by watering a lot once and then nothing. It is preferable to water little, but do it every day, than only once every x amount of time.


From early spring to late summer you can pay it once a month with fertilizers of organic origin.

Being a plant that is maintained over time, nutritional needs are very present and must be taken into account since, if it suffers from deficiencies, it could have problems developing properly. Or it could even be more prone to developing pests and/or diseases that we will talk about next.


To get new copies, you can multiply it by seeds in spring.

You will get these in summer and autumn, after the flowering season, and you must keep them in a safe place (with a stable temperature and in the dark if possible) to plant them when the winter is over.

When planting them, have more chances of success we recommend that you:

  • You pass them in water about 24 hours before. This way you will get them to germinate better.
  • Plant them not too deep in the ground.
  • Water well so they have moisture and control the temperature until they start to come out.

Some use plastic to cover the pot and create a greenhouse effect that can come in handy to speed up the germination process.


Resists cold and frost down to -4ºC. Even so, if you can protect her in case of very cold, she will thank you. You can do it with plastics that help to “enclose” it and avoid low temperatures, especially if it is the first year that it is with you.

Manso Grass Pests and Diseases

The grass of the manso is not a plant from which we find many pests and/or diseases, because the truth is that it is quite resistant to all of them. However, you can’t think of it as an “all-rounder” plant, because it isn’t.

One of the usual pests that can affect it because the attracts are the caterpillars. And these can roam freely on its leaves and feed on them, leaving them with important holes, eaten parts, etc.

Although they do not do anything to the plant itself, it does not mean that the same thing will happen to the others that are there. Therefore, it must be taken into account if you plant this type of plant in your garden so that the rest of the plants are not affected.

In terms of diseases, it is also resistant, but you must be careful especially with the riskssince an excessive one, or that there is too much water in the plant, can cause the roots to rot and, with it, also the plant itself.

Properties of the grass of the manso

This plant has numerous beneficial properties for health in the medicinal field. And it is that it has 38 compounds that have been detected and identified thanks to the study by gas chromatography. Some of these compounds can be found throughout the entire plant and others are only in the roots. These are chemical compounds that are derived from the essential oils of the plant. Among these essential oils we find the piperitone, limonene, cymene, thymol, among others.

Among these substances, one of the most recognized is elemicin, which is an anticholinergic. These substances are used in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is also used for the treatment of urological disorders such as overactive bladder syndrome. The chemical compound known as limonene is used to relieve symptoms caused by gallstones, gastroesophageal reflux disease and heartburn. Another chemical compound called piperitone has bronchodilator, anti-asthmatic and flavoring effects. Thymol is used to disinfect and has a fungicidal effect. Usually solutions of 5% thymol mixed in ethanol are used and it serves to disinfect the skin and prevent fungal infections.

Herb of the meek: what is it for?

We know that this plant is one of the medicinal plants used in the native culture in northwestern Mexico and the western United States. Throughout history it has been used as a medicinal plant in the treatment of various ailments. It is here where they were used to heal colds and scrapes to other venereal diseases.

Among the health benefits we obtain from yerba del manso we have the following:

  • It serves to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes, swollen gums, and sore throats. It is quite effective if taken with an infusion. Later we will see how it is taken.
  • Manso grass is an astringent. An astringent is that substance that has the property of being able to think about the tissues with which it comes into contact. Thanks to this type of properties, it is used to relieve a sore throat, reduce sunburns, hemorrhoids, blisters and rashes. Thanks to its analgesic properties it can calm these ailments.
  • It is quite a medicinal herb effective against stomach problems in the intestines. One of the problems that can be tackled quite easily is irritated bowel syndrome and inflammation of the urinary bladder.
  • Numerous studies prove that its roots possess anticancer activity against multiple human cancer cell lines.
  • For those people who retain fluids, it can be used as an infusion with diuretic properties. It is also used to treat some rheumatic diseases such as gout. And it is that its use in infusions contributes to the elimination of excess uric acid that causes inflammation of the joints. In addition, it prevents the accumulation of crystals in the kidneys that can cause kidney stones.
  • It is also used in skin conditions to be able to treat areas that are inflamed or infected. For those people who have muscle inflammation, the leaves of the arrival of the meek can be used as a poultice.

To prepare the medicine of the herb of the manso it is necessary to take the root of the plant and peel it, cut it, squeeze it and boil it to prepare a hot decoction. With this decoction you can alleviate the symptoms of colds, nasal congestion, excessive coughing, and pleurisy. To calm these symptoms of illness, take about two cups with these leaves a day.

If you want to alleviate respiratory problems, you can do vaporizations by incorporating some eucalyptus and the leaves of the grass of the manso. Simply boil water and put a towel over it to breathe in the fumes.

Why it is not good to abuse the grass of the meek

Although yerba mansa is one of the best known and most used medicinal plants, the truth is that it also has contraindications that cannot be ignored lightly.

One of the first recommendations we give you if you use it is that, when using it and consuming it, do so in moderation. It is even better to ask your doctor or natural remedy specialist first for your specific case. And there are several groups that should not use it. Specifically, the following:

  • Women who are pregnant, who have given birth and/or are breastfeeding their baby. As you know, the intake could affect the baby.
  • people who have a medication. Sometimes, the medicines that are taken can affect natural remedies (and vice versa), causing serious effects to be generated or to stop working altogether.
  • You have a infection in the urinary tract. If you have kidney, urethra or bladder problems, it is not recommended to take manso grass because it will do you more harm than good.
  • You are going to use heavy machinery, transport or carry out an activity where you need to have all five senses. With yerba mansa, as its name suggests, you will be able to numb those senses and you will not be able to handle or deal with activities that require concentration (and good reflexes).

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the grass of the manso.

Discover the grass of the manso, a very beautiful medicinal plant

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