How to care for an almond tree: the best tips and tricks

The almond tree is very common in the southern areas of Spain. It is a dryland tree whose fruit is the almond. The almond is widely used for being a healthy dry fruit both for food and for confectionery. Many people want to have an almond tree at home, both in a pot and in the garden. Yet they don’t know how to take care of an almond tree. Care should be somewhat strict at first and lighter as it develops.

For this reason, we are going to dedicate this article to telling you how to take care of an almond tree step by step and what aspects you should take into account.

Almond tree characteristics

The almond tree is a tree that, in adulthood, has a very typical brown trunk with split bark and a height of between three and five meters. Its leaves are lanceolate, elongated, narrow and pointed with an intense green color and sprout in winter.after flowering its branches are filled with beautiful flowers with five petals in shades of white or pink at the end of winter, and later fruits and seeds (almonds that we eat later) grow.

The almond trees bloom in winter, between the end of January and February (depending on the weather), and the fruits will be harvested 9 months later. Depending on how well it blooms, this will be the current year’s crop.. The more flowers, the more fruits.

How to care for an almond tree

Compared to other fruit trees, almond trees require a relatively short care list. It is resistant to drought, but it is better to take this into account so as not to cause a nuisance. Anyway, we will see it in detail later.

For it to thrive, it must be in a climate with warm temperatures and not too cold winters, since frosts are deadly. Since it has large roots to spread out, you need to make sure the soil is light and loose, preferably sandy. The last thing to keep in mind in the first part is to keep it free of pests and diseases as they can kill it.

The most profitable method to obtain almond trees of great quality and yield is drip irrigation. Research has shown that almond trees can achieve maximum productivity provided they enjoy adequate irrigation. When the average consumption of irrigation water is 3.000 cubic meters, up to 3.500 kg of seeds can be sown per hectare on average.

Although illogical due to the temperature system in which it is found, spring is the time of greatest concern that must be established to optimize crops. It is at this time that the tree goes through its most important processes, such as vegetative development, flowering and fruit set, to name a few.

Irrigation and light considerations

The irrigation of the almond trees is based on a series of considerations formulated according to the environmental conditions. First of all, it must be taken into account that if enough and sufficient rainfall occurs to keep the tree well hydrated, irrigation is not required.

The period of greatest need for irrigation is springwhich may need to be adjusted to water every other day. After that, irrigation should be continued in summer and stopped 4 or 5 days before the start of the harvest to avoid problems in the crop. When the process is over, watering must be seriously restarted, even in the fall. This goes hand in hand with obtaining abundant flowers in the next cycle.

Almond trees have large structures, so they are constantly exposed to sunlight throughout their lives. This is a condition that greatly benefits them, since it is a plant that grows better in warm climates. That doesn’t mean it can thrive in tropical climates, as it needs to be cold as well.. During this cold season, almond trees are able to break bud dormancy. Of course, it’s not too cold either, as frost could severely damage its structure.

How to care for a potted almond tree

Although the almond tree is large in its natural form, it also offers the opportunity to plant it in a pot and keep it in a small space in your home. In this case, it must be taken into account that it must enjoy conditions similar to those it may be exposed to in its natural environment.

Under these conditions we have:

  • Enjoying a temperate climate, with warm seasons and cold seasonsis dedicated to plant remains.
  • Direct sunlight is available for most of the day. We have to be very careful to comply with this requirement as it is non-negotiable.
  • Ensures an efficient irrigation system, preferably simulating dripping (a watering can can be used). The good news is that it can tolerate a brief drying period, in case you forget.
  • Control the humidity present in the environment as it can cause the appearance of pests or diseases.
  • Trim regularly (about every 5 years) to ensure it stays productive longer. A favorable season for this is the winter holidays.

The nutritional requirements of an almond tree will be closely related to the conditions of the land in which it is grown. In general, almond trees require macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) and micronutrients (mainly calcium, magnesium, and zinc).

Thus, The adopted strategy is to evaluate the land and determine what nutrient deficiencies it must supply. With this information, all you have to do is go to the produce store and purchase the proper fertilizer to apply.

If this more precise system is not available, the best strategy is to use organic fertilizers. These fertilizers should be applied in early spring, when they are most in demand, and continue throughout the summer. Owning an almond tree is not only enjoying a noble tree that will fill you with fruit, but also falling in love with its spectacular flowers.

It’s a small approach compared to the number of benefits it offers, so don’t forget to take them all into account to promote compliance. At the end of the day, it all comes down to watering, sun exposure, fertilizing, pruning, and changing seasons.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about how to care for an almond tree, its characteristics and maintenance.

How to care for an almond tree: the best tips and tricks

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