10 Indoor Plants With Direct Light For Beginners And Experts

There are a number of indoor plants that need direct light

When we want to decorate our home with plants, we have to choose well which ones we are going to buy. And is that there are only places where there is a lot, a lot of natural light can grow. Therefore, if our home has windows through which the sun’s rays enter easily, thus giving the place clarity, we can choose to decorate it with species that would not survive in dark areas.

But, which are the most recommended for beginners? And which ones for those with more experience? Next I will tell you about a few that, I hope, are to your liking.

Indoor plants with direct light for beginners

The reality is that there is no indoor plant that is easy, because there are none that are genetically prepared to live in a house. And the vast majority of them can either be found growing somewhere – usually in tropical forests – or they are hybrids whose parents are native plants of those places.

But in countries like Spain, where winters are cold in much of the territory, we have no choice but to grow them inside the house, flat or apartment. Y Among all those that are sold in nurseries, those that are, let’s say, less difficult to care for and that also need direct light, are the following:

Beaucarnea recurvata (Elephant’s foot)

The elephant foot can be kept indoors

The Beaucarnea recurvata It is a most curious plant: when it is young, its trunk is literally shaped like an onion, with a narrower upper part. As it grows, that trunk gains height and becomes a little thinner, keeping the base wide. In addition, the leaves are almost linear, leathery and green in color, so it is very interesting to use it to decorate the house, especially if a lot of natural light enters it. The best is that withstands drought, so you won’t have to water it frequently.

Dracaena reflexa var angustifolia (Dracaena marginata)

Dracaena marginata lives well in a hall

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang

La dracena marginata It is a small tree that can be both in places with little light, and in those with a lot of light. But it will look prettier if it is put in a room with windows, as it when you have enough light, the leaves keep their natural colors, and therefore the plant looks much prettier. In addition, as it has a very narrow trunk and does not branch much, it can be placed, for example, next to the sofa, or in small places.

golden (pothos)

The potos plant is an indoor climber

The golden It is an evergreen climber that in Spain we know by the name of potos. It is by far the easiest to take care of of all as long as it is put in a room where a lot of light enters. Yes indeed, you don’t have to be in front of a window, but you can’t be in dark areassince otherwise it would lose its colors and become weak.

Sansevieria cylindrica

Sansevieria cylindrica has greenish green leaves

Image – Flickr / Marlon Machado

The Sansevieria cylindrica It is a succulent plant that has few leaves, but as its surname indicates, it is shaped like a cylinder. Also, you should know that they are green and are approximately 30 centimeters long. It is easy to care, since in fact You just have to put it in a room where a lot of light enters and water it when the soil is dry.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia

The Zamioculcas is an indoor plant that needs light

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

La Zamioculcas it is a succulent shrub that has fleshy stems and leaves. Its growth rate is quite slow, but that is not a problem, since it is beautiful from a young age. Also, like the Sansevieria, needs very few irrigations a weeksince if there is something you fear is waterlogging, so it is important to avoid it.

Indoor plants with direct light for experts (or for those who like challenges)

Have you been growing plants for a long time and / or do you think the time has come to have rarer varieties? Well, then I’m going to recommend five species with which, I hope, you can continue to learn and enjoy having a few pots at home. And, in fact, sometimes it is very difficult to avoid buying those species that, not only are rarely seen in nurseries, but are also precious.

I love challenges, especially if they have to do with plants, since by wanting to keep them alive you “force” yourself to inform yourself about their origins and their needs, and to put into practice what you consider to be correct taking into account the conditions in which are your pots. This is how you learn. For all this, if you also like them, Next I will tell you 5 indoor plants with direct light for experts:

Abutilon x hybrid (Abutilon)

The abutilon is a shrubby indoor plant

Image – Flickr / Bernard Spragg. NZ

El abutilon It is a shrub that reaches 2-3 meters in height, and has yellow, pink, pastel, white or red bell-shaped flowers. It is possible to use it to decorate the home, but for this, in addition to putting it in a room where there is a lot of light, grown in pots with holes filled with plant substrate that is lightweight and drains water well.

Cordyline fruticosa ‘Kiwi’ (Dracena Kiwi)

The Cordyline Kiwi needs a lot of light indoors

Image – Flickr / Leonora (Ellie) Enking

The Cordyline fruticosa ‘Kiwi’ is an evergreen shrub or tree that reaches a height of 2-3 meters. It has lanceolate leaves, about 30-50 centimeters, and colored. It is a very beautiful species, but also delicate: It cannot lack light, so it must be near a window, or failing that, in a room where there is a lot of natural light; It must also be watered when the earth dries upusing rainwater or lime-free, and finally, it must be kept protected from drafts, both from the heating and the air conditioning unit.

Dionaea muscipula (Venus flight trap)

The venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant that can be kept indoors with light

Image – Wkimedia / Citron

La venus flytrap It is a carnivorous plant that is very easy to find in nurseries, but it is not one of the easiest to maintain. And it is that so that your traps in the form of a mouth with teeth are in perfect health, it is important that it is planted in a plastic pot with holes, with specific soil for carnivores (or with raw peat moss and perlite mixed in equal parts), and that is watered with distilled or rain water. It needs a lot of light; In fact, when it is kept outdoors it is usually put in sunny places, but indoors you have to try not to put it right in front of the window because it could burn.

Maclellandii fig King’s CV

Ficus Alii is an evergreen tree of tropical origin

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Luca Bove

El Ficus ‘Alii’ It is an evergreen tree that, if planted in the ground in a tropical garden, could easily exceed 7 meters in height, but in a pot and in a temperate climate it is very difficult to exceed 3 meters. For this reason, it is very interesting as a houseplant, as long as it is put inside a room with windows and watered regularly avoiding waterlogging.

Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ (Banana)

The Muse 'Dwarf Cavendish' is a sunny banana tree that can be indoors

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang

The Musa ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ is a tropical banana tree that has a pseudostem of about 4 meters high if planted in the ground (in a pot it stays with 2-3 meters). It has large and long green leaves with some dark red spots on the upper side. Y, Why is it difficult to care? Because it is very sensitive to cold, and it also needs high ambient humidity and frequent watering.. That is why when it is kept indoors it must be put in a warm room, but where there are no heaters or any device that generates air currents; In addition, it must be sprayed with water every day if the humidity is less than 50%, and irrigated every time the soil dries up.

Which of these indoor plants with direct light did you like the most?

10 Indoor Plants With Direct Light For Beginners And Experts

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