Dracunculus vulgaris: curious and beautiful Mediterranean plant

Dracunculus vulgaris

One of the most curious plants that attract our attention and at the same time we would like to have it as far away as possible is the Dracunculus vulgarisa plant, also known by other names such as Dragoncillo, Dragoneta, etc.

This peculiar plant has certain characteristics that will attract your attention. It can be grown and its care is not too complicated. If you want to know her more thoroughly, Below we will tell you everything you need to know about the plant.


Characteristics of the Dracunculus vulgaris plant

This curious and beautiful plant that grows up to a meter in height whose scientific name is Dracunculus vulgarisis popularly known as the Witch’s Grass. Its flowers are one of the most poisonous that currently exist on the planet. It is a fast growing perennial plant that inhabits abandoned land, cultivated land or Mediterranean groves. It is very rustic and easy to grow, but due to its toxicity it will be necessary to take measures if we live with pets or there are small children at home.

Otherwise, the Dracunculus vulgaris It is a suitable plant to have both in pot and in the garden, together with other plants or in groups of several specimens of the same species.

This curious plant belongs to the family Araceae, y one of the main characteristics are these abstract spots on the stems seen in the photo above. Its main method of reproduction is by separating tubers; that is to say, tubers, like bulbs, have a tendency to take out suckers, and it is the latter that can be separated and planted in individual pots. It is a task that can be done throughout the year, between spring and autumn, but it is more advisable to do it just after the risk of frost has passed.

The flowers are very beautiful, but unfortunately they give off a very unpleasant smell. This is because needs to attract peculiar pollinating insectslike flies.

It is undoubtedly a plant that will not leave anyone indifferent, both for its high ornamental value and for its characteristic aroma. Witches’ Grass is a very pretty plant that is sure to attract the attention of all visitors to the garden.

In addition, it will help give a tropical touch to your favorite corner of the home.

Caring for the Dracunculus vulgaris

Caring for Dracunculus vulgaris

Now that you know the Dracunculus vulgarisYou should also know what care you should provide, since the plant, although it is not too difficult to care for, does have some important peculiarities to take into account.


The Dragoncillo is a plant that needs to be in full sun. That does not mean that you can not put it in semi-shadow, but if possible, that this is minimal. That is, it is preferable that it has more hours of light than of shadow.

Therefore, it is not highly recommended to have it indoors because, although you can place it in a bright area, it needs the sun’s rays to be well.


Regarding the temperature, this plant can tolerate frost, as long as it is not too intenseor that they occur very often. If that happens, it is much better to protect it to prevent the plant from being attacked by fungi, humidity, etc.

For its part, the heat also tolerates it well, but it happens anyway, if it is too extreme it can end up suffering and it is best to move it to a semi-shadow. In general, it is said that after 30 degrees the plant can not tolerate it and negatively affect its health.


This plant can be planted in the ground or in a pot. Now, in both cases you have to give it depth, since it likes to have space for its roots to develop.

It is important to offer a good substrate, to be able to be rich in humus and that drains well since, as we will see in a moment, it is not a plant that likes water too much.


As with other plants, this is also You need compost, but only if we don’t provide you with a good substrate. If it has enough humus, it is not necessary to fertilize it, because it already has the necessary nutrients to develop and have the vitality it needs.

Otherwise, it would be necessary to pay it, especially in the spring time (when it begins to activate) and / or in autumn (to help overcome low temperatures and winter).


Watering is one of the most important parts of this plant. And it is that, although requires abundant watering, so that water seeps everywhere, it does not mean that you have to water often.

In fact, it is important that, when you water, you allow at least two days for the soil to dry out. In winter this can take longer, so you have to wait to see that the soil is dry to water again.

In summer, depending on where you are, it may be necessary to water daily or every other day.


The Dracunculus vulgaris it is a plant that blooms practically every year. Nevertheless, this flower is not so “pleasant” in its aroma. And it is that the first days it will smell like rotten fish.

That is why it is not recommended to have it indoors either because it is a rather smelly plant, but not in a good way.

Plagues and diseases

If you have a dragonfly plant at home, you must have be very careful with mushrooms. They mainly attack the rhizome, which can cause it to rot and there is no way to easily solve it (having to say goodbye to your plant).

Another problem that you may encounter is a wilting of the leaves. It is also caused by fungi and is almost always one of the symptoms of rhizome problems.


Do you want more plants of this species? Well, through yours you can get more. For example, you can do it through the rhizome, that is to say, the underground stem that the plants have and from which several buds usually come out. If you divide that rhizome, you can get more plants.

They will be the same as the “mother” and take care of themselves in the same way. Also, there is no suffering on the part of the plant, as it will continue to create more rhizomes on its stem and you could keep multiplying it indefinitely.

Uses of Dracunculus vulgaris

Uses of Dracunculus vulgaris

Although currently it is not an everyday or common plant in gardens or even as a pot, in the past it was more used. In fact, it is said to have certain medicinal properties.

In the past, doctors, healers and also people, especially from villages, used them for certain medical problems, such as gangrene, cancer or even eyesight.

In addition, it is known that, in certain dosesbecomes abortivewhich is why many women used it when they became pregnant and did not want that state to be known (or for it to come to fruition).

Right now the plant is only used at an ornamental level. In fact, it is warned that it is not good for it to be consumed because it is toxic.

What do you think now of the Dracunculus vulgaris?

Dracunculus vulgaris: curious and beautiful Mediterranean plant

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