How to prune the money plant

How to prune the money plant

The Money Plant has several names for which it is known among the most popular are; Pachira, Guyana Chestnut, Money Tree, Fortune Tree. They usually grow in tropical forests, but can be grown indoors as small plants. The pachira is very decorative due to its silhouette and the beauty of its foliage. Native to South America and is often kept as a houseplant for the unusual appearance of its twisted trunks. Careful pruning each year maintains the size of Money Plants, so they stay compact and low on the trunk.

The money plant, also known as the ‘good luck tree’, is a plant that is supposed to impart positive energy to a place and bring luck with money. Its money trees are popular because they require less maintenance. It can reach a height of 3,0 m and has a thick, frequently braided stem with huge green leaves. Pruning your money tree will prevent it from overgrowing and keep it in good shape. Decide when it’s time to prune your plant and trim it back with sharp gardening shears. Be sure to pinch and trim the tree regularly to keep it healthy and beautiful.

When to prune the money plant?

Pruning should be done regularly in spring. It’s okay to do a little pruning to remove new shoots as they emerge, but it’s not necessary. Trimming the plant at once is easier. If you want a stem to grow in a certain direction, pay attention to how you trim it.

Since new growth forms along pruning cuts, the 45 degree cut angle is critical. Make the cut at an angle at the top of the stem so that the new stem grows upward. You can also make the stem grow at an angle, for example to the side.

Where to plant the money plant?

It is advisable to opt for a bright location without direct sunlight, indoors or in a greenhouse. You have to avoid heat sources such as radiators. These plants like to live in a hot and humid environment. However, they withstand a wide range of temperatures with the exception of frost.

How to prune the money plant?


If the money plants get too tall or wide for their pots, they should be trimmed. If you can see the branches or leaves emerging from the crown or from the sides, prune to restructure and promote healthy development. Money plant pruning is used to remove discolored or wilted leaves.

These plants should be pruned at least once in spring to keep their shape.. Try to prune them at least once between March and May so they can thrive the rest of the year. Use sharp and clean garden shears. These can be found at your local garden supply store or online.

If you have to prune a pachira, follow these steps:

  • Find two V-shaped branches coming out of the trunk. Look for two branches that grow a V shape and that extend from the trunk of the tree. To indicate the V shape and know where to cut, place your finger over it. The shape and growth of the tree will be maintained if it is pruned in a V shape. While cutting the log, keep the garden shears at a 45-degree angle.
  • Remove superfluous branches and leaves with a clean cut. Remove the branches from the top and flanks of the tree. Cut off branches at the top and sides of the tree that appear to be overgrown as you work your way around the tree. Shrink the plant to no more than half its original size. Cut back the tree little by little, erring on the prudent side. Remove brown leaves and overgrown branches. If the shape of the tree is still irregular, prune more branches until it is more consistent.

In summary to prune the money plant you must:

  • Trim the stems just in front of a leaf or knot to eliminate their length. Cut no more than one-third of a stem and cut at a 45-degree angle to promote new growth.
  • You have to remove dead twigs to keep the money plant healthy and avoid wasting energy resources on a stem that will not come back to life.
  • Cut the twig down to the root of the plant, or 5 inches beyond the last dead piece if a large part is still alive. To avoid scarring, cut 2,5 cm from the trunk if cutting near the twisted main stem of the plant.
  • When the money plant has reached the desired height, trim the top stems to prevent it from growing further. Keeping it trimmed can help you limit its size as a houseplant.


Be careful with watering. Money plants do not like excess water. For this reason, the pan must be emptied systematically and the substrate allowed to dry between waterings. Use a diluted green plant fertilizer every week from April to September and once a month in winter.

  • Water regularly in summer.
  • Reduce watering in winter.
  • Spray foliage with water if humidity is low.

How to prune the money plant

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