Pruning at height: what it is, characteristics and types

lifting baskets

Sometimes a conventional pruning cannot be done because the branches do not have access from the ground. For this there is the pruning in height. It is a specialty of tree pruning whose branches cannot be accessed from the ground due to their great height. In order to carry out this pruning, it is necessary to approach the insertion of the branches using artificial means to ascend in height, such as ropes, ladders, lifting baskets, etc.

In this article we are going to tell you everything you need to know about pruning in height, what are its characteristics and two types of weddings that exist.

What is height pruning?

pruning learning

It is a specialty that requires some artificial element such as ladders, ropes or lifting baskets to be able to reach the branches of those trees that are taller than we can reach by our own means. It usually requires a specialization to be able to use the chainsaw in a way that allows you to carry out the work safely and effectively. The chainsaw rider must be used to working at height and be comfortable so as not to be in danger or have possible accidents.

In addition, it is essential that the pruner knows the botanical and mechanical characteristics of the tree and its growth in order to know where to prune. For example, it is necessary for the pruner to know which are the most appropriate climbing and cutting techniques for each type of tree and each case. It is these aspects that make pruning at height requires meticulous preparation regarding the knowledge of the materials to be used and the characteristics of the trees that are going to be pruned.

Aspects to consider

types of height pruning

Among the important aspects to take into account to carry out a correct pruning at height, great knowledge is needed are the materials that should be used. Among these materials we have the harnesses that are what help us to hang from certain heights and remain safe, knots in the ropes, mechanical machinery, carabiners, etc. All these elements are essential to carry out pruning at height safely.

On the other hand, we have the necessary knowledge of the characteristics of the trees to be pruned. Among these characteristics we have the hardness of the wood, the possible effects when cutting it, the tolerance of the tree to pruning, scarringetc. A tree that is easier to prune is not the same since it is lighter than another that is harder. In addition, depending on what type of branch is to be pruned, it can react in one way or another. In the pruning of height there are numerous accidents by experienced people who maintain the necessary knowledge to carry out this work safely.

Types of pruning at height

pruning in height

We are going to see what are the types of pruning in height that exist depending on the pruning system and the elements that are needed to carry it out.

Climbing systems

It is the pruning system that requires more knowledge, training and specialized equipment. It is a more technical pruning system than others. And it is that by its nature, phytosanitary status, size or location, the usual types of pruning are carried out avoiding roofs, facades or infrastructures of a different nature through branch guidance techniques. In these cases, it is essential to know how to prune and the shape that the tree can have in order to give it a good enough shape so that the tree can continue to grow normally, avoiding roofs and facades, among others.

Pruning at height with lifting basket

Lifting baskets make life much easier, but they also require higher financial costs. It is used in those trees with a more decadent sanitary state that are usually produced by rots, woodworm, breaks, etc. In these cases, the pruner has no security by means of a climbing system due to the poor condition of the wood and in these cases different models of lifting baskets are needed to meet the requirements in various situations. There are some pretty tricky situations that need different types of baskets.

Formation pruning

It is a type of height pruning that we carry out both trees and shrubs in their youngest state. The main objective is to create a concrete shape or structure. Most of the time this type of pruning exists more for the fact of the ornamentation than for the tree’s need to be guided or tutored. In these cases we must first establish the correct shape that we will give the tree or shrub to eliminate the unwanted branches. In the case of wanting to form more complex structures, some metal and wooden guides can be used where the selected branches are removed. It is a simple and efficient way to shape trees and shrubs.

Pruning sanitation and rejuvenation

Sanitation pruning involves removing dry and broken branches from the tree. The removal of these damaged branches is necessary, as over time, dry and broken branches can be a danger, since they are likely to fall, which can cause material and personal damage. For this reason, this type of height pruning is often used in trees.

Plants that are not post-treated and discarded over time can develop too much volume. In these cases, the neglected plants may have been off scale, necessitating a heavily pruned rebirth. Dry and crossed branches are reduced first and the oldest and most fragile branches are removed. The cutting of thick branches will be respected by a sap-strip guide.

Flowering pruning

Lastly, this type of pruning is done on many shrubs and it is done in order to maintain maximum flowering. This case of shrubs, hydrangeas and rose bushes. In order to have a quality flowering it is necessary to prune these shrubs annually. It usually differs in each species being necessary to know what only pruning requirements of each bush.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about pruning at height and its characteristics.

Pruning at height: what it is, characteristics and types

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