Caring for the crocodile fern, a most curious plant

The crocodile fern is medium in size

Sometimes in the local markets you can find the most curious plants, which perhaps you have only seen once in your life with luck. This is how the crocodile fern “came” into my life. From afar it gave me the impression that it was a common herb, but as I got closer I fell in love with this plant. The seller told me that it was known as a lizard; Later, while researching, I came across his other common name, and the scientist: Microsorium musifolium ‘Crocodylus’.

Crocydyllus … does it ring a bell? Crocodile, yes. And the fact is that the fronds, which is how the leaves of this type of plant are called, are reminiscent of the skin of the reptile. As almost always happens when you find an exotic plant, it is usually difficult to maintain, especially when you only find a few specimens for sale. But I couldn’t leave it there, and I bought it. These are the care that I give it.

Crocodile fern care

To know how to take care of it, it is first important to know its origins, as well as the size it will have once it reaches adulthood. And this plant is known to be native to Southeast Asia, to be more exact from the tropical forest, where it grows as an epiphyte on the branches of trees. This already tells us that it is sensitive to cold, and it also needs high humidity. On the other hand, it can measure more or less one meter high, by about 40 centimeters wide; so that we will have to change it pot several times throughout its life.

Once this is known, we can think about what care to give him so that he is healthy:

Where to grow it: indoors or outdoors?

If you live in an area where the climate is tropical, with minimum temperatures of 18ºC, then I recommend that you keep it outside all year round, in the shade, as it will be really good that way. But if you live like me in a place where winter is cold, you can choose to have it outside during the warm months and then put it at home, or have it indoors all year.

I opted from the first moment for the second option. Being a delicate plant, I don’t want to take risks. Of course, if you are going to have it in the home, you have to find a room where a lot of light enters, but do not put it right in front of the window because otherwise it would burn.

What land do you put on it?

The substrate of the crocodile fern must be of quality

The crocodile fern you need a quality landwhich has these characteristics:

  • be rich in organic matter
  • be light
  • has to absorb and filter water fast

The reason is that it is very sensitive to excess water. For this reason, I recommend using a substrate that you can buy here!. You can also make your own mix with 40% black peat + 30% acid peat + 20% perlite + 10% worm castings.

When and how to water it?

The crocodile fern must be watered several times a week during the summer and less in winter.. We have said that if you have more water than you need you are going to have a hard time, but a lack of it is also harmful; in fact, it will make the fronds (remember they are the leaves) to turn brown.

For this reason, at least for the first few weeks, it is highly recommended to check the humidity of the soil before wateringfor example by inserting a thin wooden stick to the bottom, or using a moisture meter.

The frequency will vary depending on the substrate that you have put it, and where you have it. Usually, It has to be watered 2-3 times during the hottest season, and once a week the rest of the year. Outdoors it is watered more often, since the soil takes less time to dry out; indoors, on the other hand, it is done less frequently.

As for how to water it, It has to be done by pouring the water into the ground, and until the water comes out of the holes in the pot. You can put a plate under it, but it is very important that after each watering the excess water is removed.

Other important data: use rainwater or one that is fit for human consumption. If it has a lot of lime it will yellow.

Is it to be sprayed?

Humidity is a sensitive issue. If you live on an island or near the coast it is not a problemas it is certain that it will be high and that, therefore, you will not have to pulverize your fern. But if you live more inland, for example, things change.

In climates with low humidity, tropical plants (which are those that are kept indoors) can have a hard time. To avoid this, first of all I advise you to look at a meteorology website (if you are in Spain, you can consult the AEMET website) and see what degree of relative humidity there is in the place where you live.

If it’s above 50%, perfect; but if it is below you must spray your crocodile fern with water once a day in spring and summerand the rest of the year put containers with water around the pot.

When and how to pay it?

The leaves of the crocodile fern are leathery

The subscriber it has to be done in spring and summernot only because you need it to be healthy, but because that will help you to have strength and survive the winter, which is what interests us. Therefore, I advise paying it very early. If we buy it on a Monday, the following Monday will be a good time to start.

Thus, we will use organic fertilizers if possiblelike guano (for sale here!), which is rich in nutrients and also has a fast effectiveness. But yes: read and follow the instructions for use because it is very concentrated, and an overdose would be fatal.

When to change it pot?

If you buy it in spring or summer, it can be changed the same day. But make sure it is well rooted; that is, it must have roots outside the pot. Even if you doubt, you have the option of tapping the pot so that the soil peels off, and then knocking the plant down and, with great care, trying to remove it. In the event that you see that the soil begins to crumble, it does NOT need a transplant, but if it comes out whole, it really needs a bigger pot.

This pot has to have holes in its base, and measure about two inches in diameter and deeper than the one you have been using so far.

Signs or symptoms of problems

When do we have to worry? Okay, when we see any of this:

  • Fronds (leaves) that turn yellow quickly: if they are the ones below, it means that too much is being watered and the waterings should be spaced; if they are the newest on the other hand, it is that it needs more water.
  • Brown fronds: it may be that the light is directly on it (or that it is very close to the window) and it is burning, or because the ambient humidity is very low. In the first case we would change its location, and in the second we would spray it with water.
  • Presence of insects: mealybugs, White fly, Red spider. Any of these insects appear when the plant is weak and / or when the environment is very hot and dry. Since it has good-sized fronds, they can be cleaned with soap and water.

The crocodile fern cannot stand the cold

What did you think of the crocodile fern?

Caring for the crocodile fern, a most curious plant

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