Urtica urens cultivation and uses

Burning nettle is a thorny herb

Who has not ever touched a nettle and saw immediately that their skin was reddening? The reaction we have when we prick ourselves with one is one of those things that we never forget, especially if we are especially sensitive since then we would suffer a more or less painful swelling. Despite this, it is highly recommended to cultivate Urticariasince it does not grow as much as the other species and, in addition, it has many uses in gardening.

In fact, it is a plant that can help us to have pest-free crops, which is interesting if we take into account that in each spring and each summer there are a series of parasites, such as aphids, spider mites, and / or spider mites. whiteflies, who do their best to harm them.

Origin and characteristics of Urticaria

The flowers of the Urtica urens are small

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Known as lesser nettle, it is an herb that we can find in many parts of the world, either in cultivated or feral lands. It belongs to the genus Urtica and its scientific name is Urticariaand like all nettles it has a very fast growth rate. It develops erect or slightly inclined stems depending on whether it is in direct sunlight or not with a maximum height of 30 centimeters. These are quadrangular, and from them there are opposite leaves with the toothed margin that have stinging hairs which contain a caustic liquid composed of histamine and acetylcholine on the underside.

It is a monoecious speciesthat is to say, that each specimen produces female and male flowers. Its flowering time goes from fall to spring. The flowers sprout between the leaves, they are very small, so much so that they sometimes go unnoticed. It bears fruit shortly thereafter, towards mid-spring.

What is the lesser nettle for?

Burning nettle is a medicinal herb

The Urticaria It is a plant that as soon as we see it grow in a pot or in the garden, we usually pull it out so that it does not continue to grow. And we do well to remove it from the pots, since if we left it it would “steal” space and nutrients from the plant we are growing. But if it grows in the ground, after reading the uses it can be put to, think that maybe it is not a bad idea to leave it.

In gardening

We can prepare nettle slurrywhich will serve to combat a wide variety of pests, as well as to keep plants strong. In addition, it will also help the seeds germinate. And we just have to follow this step by step:

  1. The first thing to do is macerate 1kg of plant collected before flowering or 200 grams of dried plant in a bucket with a lid filled with 10 liters of water.
  2. Afterwards, we stir once or twice a day, and the rest of the time we keep the bucket covered. So for a week.
  3. After that time, we will dilute it or not several times depending on the use that we are going to give it. For example:
    • To speed up the composting process: apply undiluted.
    • Get the plants to grow somewhat faster and prevent fungi: it is diluted 20 times and applied throughout the year.
    • Avoid and / or treat iron chlorosis: we have to dilute it 10 times and apply it to the substrate or soil.

In traditional medicine

This is a plant that has many medicinal properties. In fact, it can be used in case of:

  • Iron deficiency anemia: since it is rich in iron.
  • Heavy menses: By containing vitamin K, it helps control bleeding.
  • Diseases of the skin: for example, in case of acne, eczema, rashes, or even dandruff.
  • Lower blood sugar level: since it is hypoglycemic.
  • Improve digestion: not only useful in case it is slow or heavy, but also to treat diarrhea or dysentery.

You just have to avoid its consumption if you have edema that has been caused by heart or kidney problems.

In the kitchen

Plant Urticaria it is consumed as a vegetable for a long time. To remove the stinging liquid, what is done is to shake them keeping the stems in the water, for example in a pot or similar. You have to shake them vigorously, so I advise you to put the pot or whatever you use inside the sink so as not to leave splashes on the kitchen counter.

It contains minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium or magnesium, as well as vitamins A, C and K. That is, it is an herb that is worth growing.

How is the lesser nettle grown?

Lesser nettle or Urtica urens is a fast growing herb

Image – Wikimedia / Salicyna

If you want to know how to grow Urticariafirst of all you should know that sowing must be done in springonce it has been established; that is, when temperatures are between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. The seeds are sown in anything that serves as a seedbed: pots, seedling trays, milk containers, glasses of yogurt, … Just keep in mind that it has to be waterproof, and that it has to have a small hole in its base.

As a substrate use the universal for plants (on sale here!), or mulch (on sale here!). The lesser nettle is not demanding, so you don’t have to get too complicated with this. Of course, once you have filled the seedbed with it, water before placing the seeds on its surface. Next, add a thin layer of soil, and place it outside, in full sun.

The seeds they will germinate after 5 to 14 days. To ensure that they all grow properly, it is important not to plant too many together, otherwise they will compete for space and nutrients, and only those with a slightly higher growth rate will survive. What’s more, if you can, it is preferable to put one or two seeds per pot, since this way the day you want to collect them you can make it calmer, since it will not be so dangerous.

When the roots come out of the holes in the seedbed, plant them in individual pots or in a sunny corner of the garden so that they can continue to grow normally.

The Urticaria It is an herb that has multiple uses and that, without a doubt, it is advisable to reserve a place for it in the patio or on the ground. Therefore, we hope that everything we have told you has been of interest to you.

Urtica urens cultivation and uses

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