Hevea brasiliensis: Also called rubber tree or rubber tree

forest full of Hevea Brasiliensis

Does the name of hevea brazilian? You have probably never heard it in your life, unless you study botany or related careers. Nevertheless, it is very likely that you know what species we are talking aboutsince it is used in implemented in European and Asian countries to create rubber.

Today we give the opportunity and prominence to the rubber tree. Now do you remember her? Well then, now you will know in detail all the most important aspects of this plant and according to its characteristics and habitat, you will be able to know if it is possible to have it in your home or not.

General data of the hevea brazilian

rubber tree or rubber tree

As you well know it is known by its vulgar namerubber tree”. It is a tropical species, which belongs to the genus hevea, and whose origin is in the South American continent. It belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae and today there are many, many plantations all over the world.

Of course, to grow a good crop, the area in which it must be found must have tropical or subtropical features. So it is common to see it in countries like Brazil, Venezuela and other Latin Americans, just as there are plantations in Southeast Asia and much of West Africa.

The potential of this plant is so high, that easily succeeded in replacing the main source of natural rubber production. To this day it is still in the first position and it may not only be due to this interesting fact, but also to the characteristics of the plant that we will see later.

It is worth mentioning that its cultivation today has a greater scope in Asian countries, but one of the world’s largest plantations and crops are located in Hawaii. Now, let’s move on to the characteristics of the plant that make it so versatile, unique and highly demanded.


There lots of information to cover in terms of the characteristics of the plant. But we will do it in a simple and direct way.

Physical appearance

It is easy to identify this plant by its physical appearancesince it has a white wood and its extremities are high. A well-cared for plant can easily reach 40 meters high without any problem, although its minimum height is around 15 or 20 meters.

Similarly, has a large bark surface. This is the part that is mainly used to extract a milky white liquid that arises once a cut is made in the bark. As for the trunk, it grows completely straight and cylindricalthe normal thing is that it has between 30 and 60 cm of diameter.


the leaves of the Hevea Brasiliensis

Latex in liquid form is the main attraction and particularity of this plant, it is estimated that a species already at its maximum growth point can hold around 30% rubber in its bark.

Depending on the processes that are implemented, This can be coagulated or processed to obtain solid productsas are tires. Even a great variety of articles can be made from this latex obtained from the plant, such is the case of surgical gloves.


The leaves are not too showy neither in shape nor in color. What i know is that they are quite longsince they can reach 16 cm in length while the width is 7 cm at the most. It is worth mentioning that the leaves fall as the plant approaches the dry seasons. An indication that this process will begin is that in the leaves that are in the crown of the tree tend to turn a deep reddish color. Afterwards they detach and after a certain time, it grows again.

Time of life

Some claim that it is a plant whose capacity to live is 100 yearsothers think that his life is only 30 years at most. The truth is that everything will depend on factors such as the area in which the plant is located, environmental conditions and above all, whether or not it is treated by humans for commercial purposes.

Latex properties

It has already been specified that the main attraction of the plant is latex, but the properties of this liquid have not yet been discussed. So, you have to know that:

  • It has between 30 and 35% hydrocarbons.
  • Contains only 0.5% ash.
  • About 1.5% protein
  • Only 2% resin.
  • 5% quebrachitol.


In previous sections the origin of this species was superficially mentioned and where they usually cultivate it, but this aspect was not talked about at all well. Therefore, you have to know that the rubber plant is mainly located near the Amazon River. It is in this place where it usually grows naturally and with greater abundance.

Of course, this is not the only place in Latin America where it is found since this species can easily be found in jungle areas of Brazil, other parts of Venezuela, in Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and other Latin American countries.

The reality is that for this plant to grow, as you well know, it requires an environment with specific characteristics. For it, it must be in an area with low-altitude humidityIt has to be directly under the sun although it can also grow in semi-shade, it has the ability to grow in areas disturbed by man (this is where the issue of deforestation and logging of natural spaces comes in), and other characteristics.

While it is true that this plant has tremendous uses, it brings too many problems that we do not see with the naked eye. And it is that each time they are being cultivated in more fields. This translates to the elimination of wooded or jungle areas where other species tend to grow and settle.

This causes the disappearance of native species and contributes to increasing levels of global warming. And as long as you do not have a source of latex as good as that obtained from this plant, this will continue to increase.


Hevea Brasiliensis or rubber tree

We end this article with a point that you have surely been wondering until now. Well, the first thing you should know is that if it is possible to have this plant in your garden as an ornamental plant.

For this, you have to be in an area away from the cold and more with a tropical environment with a certain level of humidity. The next is locate a place where the sun hits you directlybut of course, taking care that high temperatures affect, since it cannot withstand so much heat.

As for the water that you must provide, you should do it every three or four days. But this will vary according to the time of year and the amount of water will not be the same that you pour in in summer than in winter.

Hevea brasiliensis: Also called rubber tree or rubber tree

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