Are palm tree roots dangerous?

Palm tree roots are adventitious

Our palms They are plants that have that “something” that they like so much in gardens: these places benefit from having a plant like this, well, they … and we, because they give them that tropical touch that, even if we live in a temperate climate, it will seem that we have an exotic garden.

But many people are concerned about the roots of palm trees. Are they invasive? How much can they grow? If you have these and other questions about the root system of these types of plants, do not take your eyes off the monitor as they will all be resolved.

What are the characteristics of palm trees?

Our palms They are characterized by having a more or less thin trunk (called a stipe), a capital or bud and a crown of leaves. Unlike the trees we know, all palm species are evergreen, and if you prune it below the capital you would end up losing the plant, well they only have a single growth guide that emerges from there.

View of a palm leaf

Related article:

Palm trees: all about these plants

The funny thing is that, no matter how much they grow, its root system is composed of roots that are fine, but are so well attached to the ground that they prevent the palm tree from moving. It is also prevented that, in the event of a very strong wind blowing, it can tear it away. Of course, it can happen, but if the specimen has been planted for at least 4-5 years, it will be difficult for it to end up in the ground.

What are the roots of palm trees like?

The roots of the palm trees are born from the same point

Image – Wikimedia / Kumar83

The root system of palm trees differs a lot from that of trees, since unlike these, the roots of our protagonists are all born from the same point, that is, from the external region of the cylinder that is in the center of the stem, in which they connect with vascular vessels. Also, they are all roughly the same length, which means that they are adventitious.

It is not the only type of plant that has developed this anchoring system to the ground; in fact, it’s also something that many herbs have done. Curious? Well not so much. Palm trees are actually megaforbias, that is, giant grasses, so they are closely related to banana trees (Musas), Ensete and the like.

In what direction do the roots of palm trees grow and how long?

Although there are some that grow down to 2 meters deep, most do it horizontally, being able to reach 15 meters from the trunk in adult individuals and whenever the soil and climate conditions allow it. And it is that in order to grow they need moisture, so if the land is dry there will be no growth.

What are the different types of palm tree roots according to their function?

They are all similar, but not the same. In fact, depending on the function they have, two types are distinguished:

  • Wall fixing: the primary roots are those that keep the plant in the ground. They are the longest and thickest.
  • Moisture absorption: this function is fulfilled by the secondary, tertiary and quaternary roots. They are somewhat thinner and shorter. In some species something curious happens, and that is that they grow upwards, leaving the ground.

How to remove palm roots?

It will depend on each case. Let’s see what are the two most common situations in which we can find ourselves:

Roots that »are» damaging the home, pipes, …

Here it would be necessary to wonder if these works are well done. Palm tree roots have a weak structureand although they can be extraordinary in length, they do not have the strength to break or lift anything. Except for exceptions:

If the pipes are somewhat broken, or if the wall is not well built, problems can arise. That is why it is so important to make constructions with cement, and not just with sand.

In any case, palm tree root pruning should be avoidedbecause it is very likely that irreversible damage will be caused to them. There is even the risk that they will not get over it.

Dry palm trees

Palm trees need water

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How to know if a palm tree is dry?

If you have palm trees that for whatever reason have completely dried up and you want to remove them, it is best to do so, especially if they are large specimens, first cut the stem into pieces to make it safer for you. Once you have only the roots left, With an excavator you can reach them and extract them from the ground.

Anyway, in case you do not intend to plant anything there in a few years, you can leave them without problems. Thus, when they decompose, they will release the nutrients that have been used to create them, fertilizing the soil.

What must be taken into account so that the palm tree can grow well?

Palm trees need room to grow

To finish, I would like to give some more tips but this time on how to enjoy a palm tree from day one. I’ve been collecting palm trees since 2006 more or less. They fascinate me. There are more than 3000 species, and each of them has an ornamental value that, for me, is very high.

Adult size

Knowing the adult size of a palm tree beforehand will help you, a lot, to choose the species well. But beware with size I do not mean only the height, but also the thickness of its stem (wrongly called trunk), and the length of its leaves. And it is that in a small garden relatively small species can grow well, such as phoenix roebellinii or even the Trachycarpus fortuneibut in a place like this a Roystonea regia or even phoenix canariensis it would end up taking up too much space.


There are many palm trees that resist the sun

Related article:

9 sun resistant palm trees

Will the weather in your area hold up? To answer this question you will need to know what is the maximum and minimum annual temperature of the place where you live. Also, if it rains little, you will have to choose species that resist drought, such as Phoenix dactylifera or the Washingtonia. On the other hand, if the rainfall is abundant, you will be better off Archontophoenix, Por ejemplo.


Generally, palm trees want a soil rich in organic matter, and light. The very compact and heavy soils hinder the normal development of the roots, slowing down the growth of the plants (and that is not to mention the risk they have of literally dying, suffocated due to the little oxygen that circulates between the pores of this type of soil. ).

With this, we hope you can have your precious plants.

Are palm tree roots dangerous?

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