Euphorbia candelabrum: species of tree similar to a cactus

Euphorbia candelabrum is called Mexican candelabrum

The Euphorbia candelabrum It bears that name precisely because it is shaped like a candelabrum. This specimen is usually known as candelabra cactus and it can also be found by the name of Mexican cactus, although you should know that it is not a cactus and that it does not even come from Mexico.

In this article we will tell you where this plant comes from and what is its family of euphorbiasin addition to delving a little into its health properties, as this is a plant that is often used for certain treatments in medicine. A specimen that we have surely seen but whose characteristics we do not know. Let’s get to know it.

What is the Euphorbia candelabrum?

Euphorbia candelabrum placed in a park

The Euphorbia candelabrum it is a tree that shows a very special and distinguishable form of growthsince in its final form it precisely resembles a candlestick. In its structure it is a column-type silver that can reach great heights, its tallest specimens being approximately 20 meters.

It is a plant with cactiform characteristics and to the naked eye, its structure can be classified as an inverted triangle. This has to do with the fact that different branches unfold from the trunk that become more leafy towards the upper part, showing in its branches a division of four angles, which make it closely resemble the Cereus, one of the most common with this type of physiognomy.


To talk about the Euphorbia candelabrumwe must say that its stems have an intense green color and show four different facesfrom which there are strong and small spines that are shown to be a color between purple and red.

It may happen that these also have about five edges per stem and there are even some examples of this that show an x-shape, which means that they have a cross-sectional type.


The flowering of this Mexican plant occurs in the upper part of its branches, showing different buds on each of its edges. These flowers will be displayed in colors that will range from a green similar to that of the branches to a yellow color and it is precisely the ends of these branches where we will find the most populated of these flowers.

These flowers, in some cases can show a shape similar to that of a starwith different tips or in some particular cases we can also see this flowering with a shape similar to the head of a mushroom, with a more round shape.


To better understand the provenance of these cactus-shaped plants, we have to refer to his family, what is the Euphorbiaceae, which are almost entirely herbs, but in some particular cases, such as the candelabra cactus, these can be shrubs or trees, although they are the minority of cases.

When we refer to the euphorbia family we are talking about about 2000 specimenswhich can withstand different climates and are found throughout the world, being a variable genus and with a great breadth, something that makes them known throughout the world and that they are used to a greater extent as ornamental plants.

Euphorbia candelabrum on the side of the road

The striking resemblance to cacti in all of these herbs, shrubs, and trees that are part of the euphorbia family, makes everyone mistake these plants for these desert climate specimens.

But it is not exactly the dry climates in the only place where you will see these plants, so if you are in rather tropical areas, where the humidity is too high for cacti to growthe temperature is around 15 and 25 degrees Celsius and you see a plant style similar to these, it is because you are in front of a Euphorbia candelabrum.

They become so similar to these, that in some cases, although they are the minimumthese have thorns. And precisely one of the specimens to demonstrate these thorns is the Euphorbia candelabrumwhich we are talking about in this article.


There is an area in the world where Euphorbia candelabrum it is endemic and we are talking from the Horn of Africa areaas well as it extends throughout the eastern part of the continent, following the entire system belonging to the Great Rift Valley, whose African part extends from north to south.

It has its extremes in Ybuti and Mozambique, also belonging to this area the valley of the Jordan River and the Red Seawhere there are also many specimens scattered along the shores of these more humid areas.

In the Ethiopian area this plant is also very frequent, being known in these parts by the name of “qwolqwal”. Its preferred environment is the areas with rockssuch as those that can be seen on the slopes of certain hills, as well as in the plains, savannas and all areas that have thorny shrubs.


nice picture of succulent called Euphorbia candelabrum

In the event that you grow a specimen of Euphorbia candelabrumyou have to know that these plants are more likely to survive in warm climates and that low temperatures are not its strong suit, so if you are in an area where it is below 15 ° C for a long time during the year, you will probably not be successful in its development.

If you grow one, you should not water it constantlybut do do it about 3 times a week during the summer, which is when you need more liquid to survive due to the heat. In the event that you are in winter times, watering it only once a week will be enough for its growth.

For its development, you must think that just as its appearance is similar to that of cacti, so must its environment and its substrate. Although it resists other types of climatic conditions, a substrate that drains well, such as the most sandy in which cacti develop, they will also be very good.

As for your compost, it is very important for this plant to have a good floweringsomething that will give it an ornamental charm that you surely want to have in your home and garden. That is why, when this plant is in its growing months, composed between the spring and summer months, you can use liquid fertilizer, which you will dilute in the water with which you will go to water, approximately every two weeks.

Euphorbia candelabrum: species of tree similar to a cactus

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