Heliotropium arborescens: A very decorative shrub

shrub with small lilac flowers located at the entrance of a house

Throughout this post we will be talking about the Heliotropium arborescensincluding the origin, types and characteristics of this ornamental plant, so that you can discover how useful it can be not only to decorate gardens due to its attractive color, but also for its use within the medicinal field.

The heliotrope, scientifically known as Heliotropium arborescensIt is a genus of herbaceous plants that belongs to the Boraginaceae family, which has around 150 accepted species, although there are approximately 500 others that are still taxonomically unsolved. Most of these plants are commonly used as garden plants, and precisely the heliotropium stands out for being the most notable.


lilac flowers of the Heliotropium arborescens tree

The heliotrope is characterized by being a shrub capable of reaching a height of approximately 2 meterswhich also has numerous short branches. In general, its leaves are ovate, although it is also possible that they have a peculiar rectangular and elliptical shape.

Its inflorescences are around 3-10cm long and are not usually very hairy; while its flowers stand out for being a pleasant lavender coloralthough in the hybrid specimens, they can vary between white and purple, and the corolla tube is distinguished by having a length approximately twice that of the calyx. Their lobes are round, completely free of hair, and usually about 4-5 mm long.

In the same way, we can emphasize that this attractive ornamental plant has as its main characteristic the great beauty possessed by its bluish inflorescencesalthough its vanilla and intense aroma is equally remarkable.

Caring for the Heliotropium arborescens

When deciding to cultivate the Heliotropium arborescens inside your garden, you must bear in mind that it requires certain careamong which are those mentioned below:

The most convenient thing is usually to place these plants in places where they can be sheltered from the wind; and despite the fact that it is a plant that likes the sun a lot, throughout the summer it is best to place it in semi-shady placesespecially if it is about spaces within regions that are too hot, while in the case of areas with moderate climates, there is the possibility of placing them in full sun.

It is usually especially sensitive to lower temperaturesTherefore, it requires minimum temperatures of around 15 ° C, while throughout the winter the ideal temperature would be 21 ° C.

When you choose to grow them in a pot, the Heliotropium arborescens has to receive frequent watering during its growing stages. This plant requires soils that, in addition to being fertile, have a good drainage system and must be fertilized every 15 days with the water provided during irrigation.

Its flowers are usually characterized by having a color that varies between lavender and purple; they are usually arranged in compact spikes and it is common for them to emerge from spring to fall.

The heliotrope usually multiplied through soft apical cuttings not only during spring, but also in summer; similarly, you can do it in the fall by means of mature cuttings, as well as by seeds.

Moderate pruning should be done periodically in order to promote the development of new shoots. In addition, to end of winter a cleaning pruning must be carried out to remove damaged or dead parts and keep messy growth under control.

Plagues and diseases

shrub called Heliotropium arborescens full of flowers


This shrub is usually a species prone to attack by Tetranychus telarius y Brevipalpus Phoenicianas well as rusts generated by the presence of fungi of the type Phragmidium, Uromyces or Pucciniaamong others.

Common uses

Heliotrope is often used as an ornamental plant in large gardens, whether in homes, houses, national and recreational parks, residences or shopping centers. However, its main use is usually medicinalbecause several of its parts are usually used in essential oils for perfumery and medicine (flower and leaves) or as powerful sedatives (roots).

Heliotropium arborescens: A very decorative shrub

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