Calathea rufibarba, discover a plant with large leaves and great color

Calathea rufibarba in a pot

The calathea rufibarba It is a perennial herb belonging to the Marantaceae family. It is distinguished by the characteristic size of its fascinating leaves, which makes it one of the preferred indoor speciesalthough for this it requires special care.

It grows wild in the regions of Central and South AmericaIt can be seen on the banks of lakes and rivers, which clearly indicates that it is a species that requires abundant irrigation and humidity.

Characteristics of the Calathea rufibarba

lanced leaves of the Calathea rufibarba

This species has a very particular tuberous rhizome, in its natural habitat it can present a base or be found in the part of the stem of two rows of foliage. The stem is covered with a kind of red down that forms a spectacular contrast with the upper part of the leaves that presents a charming bright green color.

Oblong in appearance, lanceolate, thin and wavy at the edges, it can reach 25 centimeters in length. On the underside it shows an attractive bluish-green color with purple hues. The underside of the leaves is a beautiful bluish-green colorwith purple tones.

The leaves are supported by very long stems. Flower with petiole and lanceolate petal, three-dimensional grooves, yellow, bright, occasionally appearing with purple bracts.

Cultivation and care

The calatea requires high and permanent temperatures, sudden changes in temperature can kill you in the short term. The ideal average temperature is between 18º C and 21 ° C. It is also recommended that you maintain ventilation with fresh air and avoid drafts as much as possible.

The winter season provides enough light to the plant, but in an indirect way. As soon as the beginning of autumn prefers shady places. Regarding irrigation, it is best to use warm water, trying to keep the soil moist, so that is why it is important that you water frequently and reduce the amount of water used when you see that the temperature drops.

To maintain the necessary humidity, place the container of the plant on a plate with a gravel mulch of approximately 5 centimeters, trying to keep completely covered with water for this increase the humidity levels in the areabut you should avoid getting it excessively wet. Regarding the use of fertilizers, you can apply biweekly a liquid fertilizer diluted approximately half the dose required during the growth stage.

If you want to plant this plant, use well-drained soil and that it is free of limestone, if you think it is necessary, add sand. If you notice that the plant grows too large, you can prune it annually. If you grow it in pots, you should always be attentive to the growth of the roots, so that if the pot is already small, you transplant it into a larger one.

Finally, you should refrain from using leaf polishers, it is best to clean them by gently applying a damp sponge. Remember that calcareous water can produce lime and magnesium deposits on the foliageTherefore, you must clean the plant with demineralized water or melted ice, duly brought to the ideal temperature.


The calathea rufibarba It is a plant widely used in home floriculture. Equally well known are its medicinal propertiesit contains large amounts of cellulose and nutrients rich in starch.
It is also associated with some beliefs and superstitions, to the point that it is known as the “prayer flower”. Most beliefs characterize this plant as positive; while in esotericism, it is said that it is capable of attracting wealth and good fortune to homes, protecting the place and people from negative energies.

Diseases and pests

plant with very long, dark green leaves

The Calathea rufibarba is susceptible to attack by pests and suffer from certain diseases. Therefore, when you observe that its leaves have curled edges with a brown color, it is an unequivocal sign that the environment of the plant is too dry. On the other hand, if the plant has fallen and very weak leaves it is symptom of excessively cold weather conditionswhich could lead the plant to death.

Excess humidity and poor ventilation favor the appearance of this pest. Hence, the importance of aerating regularly and not exposing the plant to drafts. It can also be prevented with the use of fungicides and in case it is already infested, you can proceed to eliminate the rot. Another enemy is the powdery mildew or mealybug that feeds on its leaves and flowers, deforming and drying them.

Calathea rufibarba, discover a plant with large leaves and great color

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