Meet the Tradescantia Sillamontana, a wild plant with beautiful flowers

Tradescantia Sillamontana planted in a garden

The Tradescantia sillamontana it is perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the family Commelinaceaealso known as Tradescantia lanosa. Recognized by designers, gardeners and specialists in general for its excellent decorative qualities. It is a plant spread wildly throughout the Americas, native to Mexico, with endemic characteristics in the dry areas of the region.

Description of the Tradescantia Sillamontana

enlarged image of leaves and flower of the Tradescantia Sillamontana plant

The Tradescantia sillamontana It differs from other species by its particular leaves of thick raised pubescence. It is a plant for indoors and outdoors, with soft, hairy, green stems, these they can reach 40 centimeters in length and they grow between 10 and 12 centimeters annually.

Its ramifications tend to be weak. In relation to the young plants, in principle their shoots are erect, to later bend until they creep. The adult shoots have foliage of large and dense leaves of approximately 8 centimeters. They usually have tufts with upright, branched stems, with green leaves with purple and lanceolate hues. Of deep pink flowersits petals are triangular, being this a very resistant plant to droughts.

Planting and care

The cultivation of this plant does not require much care, on the contrary, it is extremely easy. It generally grows in moist, well-drained, acidic pH soils. This plant requires to be exposed in sunny spaces, however you must keep it away from the direct rays of the sunalthough it can still grow without problems, as long as you keep the soil moist. If you grow it in the open, you should avoid doing it in places subject to cold drafts, because low temperatures tend to deteriorate its leaves and stems.

Although it needs light, you can grow it indoors as long as the right conditions are in place. Provide the plant with a marl-based potting compost and place it in a location with bright indirect light.. Try to keep it outdoors during the warmer days in spring and summer. Throughout the growing season, water moderately frequently and apply balanced liquid fertilizers on a monthly basis. In winter, reduce watering to avoid possible excess humidity.

Regarding its propagation, this can be done by cutting, planting in the ground or in water, and by seeds. You can get the cuttings in spring or summerbetter if they are 10 centimeters long, you must make the cut diagonally below the stem node. Once you have removed some leaves on the lower surface of the stem, you can place the cuttings in pots with soil and sand or in a glass of water. Make sure that when the plant has rooted it is properly in the pot.


The Tradescantia sillamontanalike others of its kind, it is ideal for beautifying gardens and decorating interiors. This herb is used to create incredible waterfall screens both for indoors and outdoors. Excellent for making ecological decorations for the home, borders and covers that will surely make your garden that beautiful space that you long for.

The garden design and interior decoration Made with these unique and beautiful flowering plants they look lush and spectacular. You can also combine your Tradescantia plants with other decorative plants to create beautiful centerpieces.

Diseases and parasites

plant with leaves with a type of white thread

This herbaceous is prone to some diseases that can negatively affect its leaves and stems. If you notice that its leaves lose color or take a twisted shape, put it in a sunny placebut where it does not receive direct sunlight.

This is mealybug attack victim that mainly affects the leaves, producing in them the appearance of a kind of spots. Hence, it is of utmost importance, the periodic review of the leaves, in case of presence of this parasite, you can eliminate it by simply applying a cotton ball or gauze with alcohol.

In more severe infestations of the plant, the use of pesticides is advised. This plant is susceptible to aphids attack. To do this, you must also apply specific pesticides that ensure the elimination of these little critters.

Meet the Tradescantia Sillamontana, a wild plant with beautiful flowers

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