Everything you need to know to take care of your Herb Luisa

Lemon verbena

The Herb Luisa It is one of those plants that, it is not known how or why, but many times it ends up on our patio or terrace. It is very decorative, and in addition, it is aromatic. To all this we could add that it is very easy to grow, to the point that it really needs very little to grow.

The question is, how to have it perfect every day of the year? What do you really need to be healthy?

Origin and characteristics of the maría luisa plant

Aloysia citrodora leaf

The Louisa Grass is a plant that receives many names, among others Cedar of Peru, Maria Louisa, Citrus Grass, Cidron, or Aromatic Verbena. Scientifically it is known as Aloysia citrodora. As you can see, in some there is a clear reference to the aroma, and you will wonder what part of this plant smells? Right now I tell you: its leaves and flowerswhich sprout in summer. They exude a sweet lemon scent that, if you have the opportunity to smell it just once, you will not forget.

It is native to South America, specifically Peru and Chile, and belongs to the botanical family Verbenaceae. It grows to a height of 3m, but that is not a problem if you do not have a lot of space, since can be pruned in spring having it like this in a pot as I will tell you a little below.

Its leaves measure up to 7cm, and are lanceolate, with a smooth or slightly serrated margin, light green on the upper side and with oily glands on the underside. Its flowers bloom in summergrouped in small terminal panicles of pinkish, whitish or whitish-purplish color. The fruit, formed by two noculae, appears shortly after, towards autumn.

What are your lemon verbena care?

View of lemon verbena in a recycled pot

Image – Wikimedia / H. Zell


It must be outside, in full sun or in semi-shade.


It’s advisable water every 3 days in summer and every 5-7 days the rest of the year. Try to avoid waterlogging, as its roots do not tolerate it well and you would run the risk of rotting.

When in doubt, check the soil moisture before watering, either by inserting a thin wooden stick (if you take it out you see that almost no soil has adhered to it, water), or by using a digital moisture meter.


You can take advantage of occasional irrigation (one a month or every 15 days) to pay it during the warm months with organic fertilizersAs guano, horse manure or ground horn. In this way, your plant will grow that it will be a pleasure to see it 🙂.

You can also use compound (chemical) fertilizers like this that you can buy here!, following the instructions specified on the package, if you are only going to use it as an ornamental plant.

Pruning the lemon verbena

To prune it, you have to cut with pruning shears previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol those that look weak, sick and have grown too much. You do not need to put on healing paste. Do it in late winteror in autumn if you live in an area with a mild climate.


Lemon verbena multiplies well by seeds

Lemon verbena multiplies by seeds and by cuttings in spring. Let’s see how to proceed in each case:


You have to follow this step by step:

  1. First, fill a pot about 20cm in diameter or a seedling tray with universal growing medium.
  2. Then water conscientiously.
  3. Then, place the seeds on the surface of the substrate, ensuring that they are separated from each other.
  4. Then cover them with a thin layer of substrate.
  5. Finally, water again, this time with a sprayer, and place the seedbed outside, in semi-shade.

Thus they will germinate in about two weeks, three at most.


And if you want to have new copies faster, make cuttings about 15cm long and plant them in pots with porous substratelike black peat mixed with perlite or clay balls in equal parts.


To have a healthy Luisa Herb, we don’t really have to complicate ourselves too much. It is a plant suitable for beginners, although it must be taken into account that does not support strong frosts. For this reason, if you live in an area where the temperature drops below -4ºC (the trunk and roots support up to -10ºC, but it loses its leaves until spring), it is better that you protect it indoors in a room with lots of light.

What uses does it have?

Aloysia citrodora flowers


It is a very beautiful plant, ideal for growing in a pot or in the garden. It is great even in planters, yes, as long as it is kept pruned.


Medicinal use is undoubtedly the most popular. Have antioxidant, digestive, carminative, sedative, relaxing and antispasmodic properties.

If you want to take advantage of its benefits, you can make infusions with between 5 and 20 grams per liter of tender leaves and / or flowers, but we recommend consulting your doctor first, just in case.


Its leaves, once dried and chopped, are used in marinades, sauces, and it is even one of the ingredients with which some drinks are made, such as mate in Uruguay and Argentina.

Do you have Herb Luisa at home?

Everything you need to know to take care of your Herb Luisa

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