Sessile oak (Quercus petraea)

Quercus petraea

There are trees that have unique characteristics and are really necessary for the formation of soil. In this case, we are going to talk about a well-known deciduous tree that we call sessile oak. Its scientific name is Quercus petraea. It is a majestic tree whose contribution to the quality of the soils is high and which beautifies the landscape. It is widely used in reforestation due to its large contributions of organic matter to the soil and its tree density.

Do you want to know more about the Quercus petraea? We tell you everything in depth.

Key features

Sessile oak forest

It is a very stout, deciduous tree. It is capable of reaching heights of up to 35 meters and has a structure with a wide and open crown. When used for reforestation in many places it is suitable for several reasons. The first is that it acts as a soil enricher, providing a large amount of materials to degrade into organic matter.

To have a quite interesting shrubby habit and a very wide root system, can facilitate the appearance of areas to create the undergrowth. In this way, all the vegetation stages can be given both real potential in the area that is to be recovered. If it develops well, it will provide shade and shelter for animals and areas of proliferation of other minor plants such as shrubs.

Juvenile branches are bright brown. The leaves are more or less obovate, being dark green on the upper side and lighter on the underside. Small hairs can be seen on the nerves on the underside that gives it a softer texture.

The flowering time is in spring. The necessary indicator for this is that temperatures will increase after the end of winter. Its fruit are acorns and they have a yellowish color. Acorns can appear singly or in small groups.

They are trees quite loved by people and are often used to represent strength. Surely you have ever heard the phrase “you are stronger than an oak tree.” The main distinction that this oak has is that the leaves are arranged evenly and not forming groups like any other oak.

Distribution and habitat

Quercus petraea leaves

Sessile oak is named because the acorns are not compatible with the stems. This does not occur in common oak. It is also known by other names such as winter oak or Durmast oak. It depends on the area where it is located that it receives one name or another.

Its main area of ​​distribution is from western Asia to southwestern Europe. The whole of northern Spain has Quercus petraea and you can even find specimens in the Central System and the Serranía de Cuenca.

Its distribution area is predetermined by the type of soil where it can or cannot grow.. It prefers siliceous soils that are deeper. It needs a lot of environmental humidity to be able to thrive and, therefore, it is understood that it can grow better in the north of Spain, since the rainfall is more abundant and the humidity is maintained. In more humid climates and siliceous soils, sessile oak brings out all its capabilities to enhance the soil where it is found. It usually forms mixed forests along with other deciduous species. It is more common to find them with species of the Quercus genus such as pines and firs.

Not being a species that became too widespread during the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, it can be counted more as a relic in its natural range. The oaks used in reforestation do not have the same value as those that have a natural area. The original habitat needs acidic, well-drained soils. Although it needs high humidity, it does not resist waterlogging well.

It is dominant in those areas with herbaceous plantations and bushes, being the first in the link of the vegetation stages.

Main uses of Quercus petraea

Sessile oak acorns

As for the main uses that are given to this oak are its acorns. Their quality is perfect for feeding pigs. There are also many species of wildlife that feed on them. For example, squirrels have as a favorite dish the acorns of the Quercus petraea.

Another type of resource that you can offer is your wood. It is quite hard and resistant and can be used in large pieces for decoration. Again we make use of the common phrase “I am stronger than an oak tree.” Furniture made of oak wood has great resistance and has an increased price for having higher quality. Its consistency is quite useful for building barrel staves for maturing wine and other drinks with greater flavor. Depending on how long the wine is left to mature and the wood in which it is enclosed, it will have a more powerful aroma.

Although less employed, its wood serves as charcoal. Thanks to its tannin content, it is used to tan skins of different types and for some medicinal purposes.

Threats and conservation status

Great Quercus petraea

As we have mentioned before, since it is not very widespread, it is more considered to be relics to all those oaks that are in their natural habitat. Sessile oak forests have declined by 40% in recent decades. The cause of this is the repopulation with conifers and an overgrazing of sheep and deer.

As the regrowth technique disappears, there are increasingly shady areas and this causes the acorns in the ground to fail to germinate well. The youngest trees that belong to these oak groves are unable to regenerate and cause problems for many species that are dependent on older oaks and long-lived. Therefore, as the oldest oaks die, the rest of the community is exposed for a lack of structure and food.

This is a perfect way to reflect the importance of each species to an ecosystem and that the whole is a set of relationships that intervene to form healthy natural habitats.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about the Quercus petraea.

Sessile oak (Quercus petraea)

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