Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)

Trachelospermum jasminoides

Today we are talking about a kind of jasmine which is often confused with the rest of the usual species used in gardening. Its about Trachelospermum jasminoides. Its common name is star jasmine and it belongs to the Apodinaceae family. The main difference that they have with the usual jasmine used in gardening is that they belong to the Oleacea family, so they do not have as many traits in common.

Here we explain the characteristics, care and other aspects of the Trachelospermum jasminoides.

Key features

chelospermum jasminoides climber

It is also known by other common names such as it that of milk jasmine, star jasmine, false jasmine and Chinese jasmine. It depends a lot on the country where we are that it is called one way or another. The name false jasmine refers to the fact that it is confused with other species of jasmine.

It comes from China and Japan and has spread throughout Europe and America. It has typical characteristics of a climbing plant. It is able to adapt to many light and temperature conditions, so it does not require much care.

It has twisted woody stems and It is capable of changing its appearance completely up to three times a year. It is about that light green and bright buds are born and in the spring and summer time, bouquets of white flowers with 5 petals come out. It also has a general season where its foliage will look darker overall. This characteristic of modifying its appearance several times a year makes it a very versatile plant to change the style of your garden depending on the time of year in which you are.

It has a fairly slow growth the first years that it is sown. It is necessary to protect it from the low temperatures of winter, especially if there is frost. To some of them milder it can be resistant. It gains adaptability as they grow and mature, reaching temperatures of -10 degrees perfectly.

Once it is more developed and grown, it will begin to grow faster, especially if it is during the summer time.

Necessary care

Flowers of the Trachelospermum jasminoides

Keep in mind that although it has climbing plant capabilities, you should not let it do it alone. It needs to be guiding its growth so that it can do it in an ideal way. If you don’t hold your Trachelospermum jasminoidesCIt will grow in a shrubby way until it forms a large bush. It can also be grown in a pot, although it has to have a larger pot about 70 cm deep.

If the conditions are ideal, they can grow up to 10 meters tall.

It is not at all demanding in terms of care. The type of soil can be any but it has to have a good drainage. Ideally, humidity can be kept low. It does not tolerate high humidity well. It is advisable to add organic matter so that it can grow much better.

In winter you hardly need a gift. With the rains there is more than enough. If for whatever reason, that winter is drier than normal, it is recommended to water with some frequency. You have to look at the substrate. If it is dry, it is better to water. On the other hand, in summer when its growth moment is greater and it is subjected to higher temperatures, it is necessary to water it every 3 or 4 days. By having it in a pot, irrigation can be more controlled.

The location should be in full sun, although it can also be in semi-shade. It is enough if you get a few hours of sunshine a day.

Maintenance training of the Trachelospermum jasminoides

Trachelospermum jasminoides characteristics

Star jasmine it is better to plant it at a distance of 30-45 cm from the base of the wall or the pergola where you are going to place it. TOl grow a little at first, you should use a tutor to guide her to where you want her to get tangled up. As the trunk becomes more woody, it will be able to support itself without the need for a stake.

To keep it climbing, you must place some supports until it can climb on its own. The sites that he sees with more space he will cover by himself. It is perfect to use as an upholstery. In the flowering season it will be able to arch its tips in the form of a waterfall and it will fill with flowers. It will not only serve as an upholstery, but as a multiple decoration at different times of the year.

It does not need pruning, unless you are growing it bushy. If you want to control its growth, you may need to do some pruning. If you do, you have to wait until late summer or early autumn, when it has already made its flower growth.

What is interesting to do is a maintenance pruning. It is about removing the branches and tips that remain dry until you can modify the ugly appearance that comes out. The ideal is to have it prepared before flowering, which begins in the spring and summer months, so that its beauty increases with it. It should not be pointed or removed branches in winter, as you make it more sensitive to frost and it can die.

Reproduction, pests and diseases of star jasmine

Star jasmine

It can be propagated through layering in spring and cuttings in early summer. To do this, we must select an almost mature stem that is almost entirely green and make it about 13 to 15 cm long. Next, you cut it with the scissors above the node and remove all the leaves. Leave the shoots to be the ones that proliferate.

Put it in a container and add perlite and peat to increase soil drainage. Water it without overdoing it or letting the soil dry out.

They are quite resistant plants to pests and diseases, but are sometimes attacked by aphids, mealybugs and red spiders. It all depends on how we control humidity.

I hope that with these tips you can enjoy the Trachelospermum jasminoides.

Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)

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