Characteristics, origin and care of Salvia Splendens

it is an ornamental plant used in balconies, flowerpots and gardens

Plants are used for many things, since it has different uses, many have medicinal properties while others only serve for decorations in gardens, generally people tend to have plants in their homes that are colorful and showy to the human eye.

The same are planted in pots or gardensdepending on the home where you are, usually the plants that are colorful are due to the fact that they bloom on a specific date and that is what draws people’s attention.

Characteristics of Salvia Splendens

Characteristics of Salvia Splendens

There is a plant called Salvia Splendens or Red Sagewhich is an ornamental plant used in balconies, flowerpots and gardens, since it is a plant that has a red tubular flower, since as it grows in a long spike, its highest part of the plant fills completely of them emitting a very striking intense red color for lovers and not for plants.

They are subtropical plants that they are not able to withstand frost since this could affect its vitality in its entirety, the maximum low temperatures that I can withstand are between 3 and 4 ° C.

Generally they usually bloom in spring and they continue to do so until mid-autumn depending on the type of climate in which it is found, for cases of populated gardens they must be sown with a distance of 30 to 35 cm between each one and in order to multiply it is done by the seeds that are They are deposited in a seedbed or main pot in early spring, then they should be taken to the place where they will be sown definitively in April.

Another of its characteristics is that they can be up to a meter tall counting the flowered spike, however, and to be taken home from smaller specimens, crosses have been made that allowed it to be brought to a much more compact and low size.

Origin of Salvia Splendens

This plant is native to Brazil and can also be found in the tropical areas of Latin America, they are found in light soils and very well fertilized with a good luminosity for when cold days are approaching, but it must have a certain partiality of shadow that covers itas it is very susceptible in hot summers where the mid-day sun increases the temperature considerably.

Sage Shining plant care

The soil is an essential factor for this type of plants since they require a somewhat acidic surface that is well fertilized, so that it also has enough sand to be able to drain the water correctly and do not hold back at the roots.

Sage Shining plant care

Irrigation of the Kratom Splendens should be done abundantly but without overdoing it by pooling the water in planted gardens, since for the summer this plant requires enough water to meet its need of ingesting the nutrients, in the case of winter irrigation decreases in such a way that it should only be done every two or three days or only if the soil looks dry due to strong wind currents.

The place where the Salvia Splendens will be kept is very important to consider, since it the quality of life that it may have will dependbecause according to the factors that have been mentioned previously, they could affect so that it can die before flowering, so it should be kept in sunny places but that can offer partial shade so that they are not taken to very high temperatures.

Pruning the flowers is important when they are completely dry, the flower spike must be cut completely so that the plant can generate a new spike and can flourish again providing that striking deep red color.

Parasites are other factors that must be taken into account when having a Salvia Splendens at home or gardens, they would be generated by poor care in watering the plantsince the caterpillars and snails that usually attack this type of plants.

Characteristics, origin and care of Salvia Splendens

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