Ficus australis or rusginosa

If you have a large garden and you need a tree that gives you a nice shade, then you cannot miss this article. Next I will introduce you to southern figa fast growing plant that is very easy to care for and maintain that you are sure to love.

Discover its characteristics and the care it needs so you can enjoy it for decades.

Origin and characteristics

Fruits of Ficus rubiginosa or australis

Our protagonist is an evergreen tree native to Australia, specifically from Queensland to Neva South Wales. Its current scientific name is rusty figbut the old (southern fig). It is popularly known as the Port Jackson fig, small-leaved fig, or moldy fig.

Reaches a height of up to 30 metersbut it rarely exceeds 10m. It has ovate to elliptical leaves that are 6-10cm long with 1-4cm petioles. Figs are yellow when they emerge, but turn reddish when ripe.

What are their cares?

Ficus rustiginosa or australis leaves

If you want to have a copy, we recommend that you provide it with the following care:

  • Weather: It is important to know in which climates it can grow all year round outdoors to avoid problems. In the case of our protagonist, he lives well in warm areas without frost.
  • Location: outside, in full sun. Plant at a minimum distance of 10 meters from pipes, buildings, etc.
  • Earth: it must be fertile, with good drainage.
  • Irrigation: frequent, especially in summer. It has to be watered every 2 days in the warmest season, and every 4-5 days the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: from the beginning of spring to the end of summer it is advisable to pay with ecological fertilizers once a month for good growth and development.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in spring or summer. Direct sowing in a nursery with universal cultivation substrate.
  • Rusticity: does not stand the cold. If the temperature drops below 5ºC it will start to spoil.

What did you think of the southern fig? Did you know him?