How do we have to prune the Lantana?

Lantana is one of the varieties of garden plants that most flourishes in the Mediterranean

Lantana is one of the varieties of garden plants that flourishes the most in the Mediterranean and that also does so for a long period of time. This is a plant that belongs to the Verbenaceae family and it is known by the scientific name of Lantana CameraHowever, it is also popularly known by a variety of names such as Spanish Flag, Flower of Duende, Three Colors, Yerba de Cristo or simply Lantana.

Lantana comes from tropical Americabut we can also find it in other countries such as Uruguay, Brazil and in the northeast of Argentina.

Prune Lantana

Lantana is very much like a shrub with many branches, with a pleasant aroma and can easily reach one meter and in some cases it can exceed two meters in height. Since lantana is a very fast growing plant, we need to prune frequently so that it can continue to flower properly.

The Lantana pruning It can be done in two different ways, pruning for training and maintenance and pruning to rejuvenate the lantana.

Pruning training and maintenance

This type of pruning we can do it all year round and when necessaryin this way we can keep it within the size and shape we want.

We do this pruning using scissors to cut the branches that are not necessary. With this type of pruning we will get Lantana to sprout quickly and at the same time, its foliar mass can be compacted.

Pruning for rejuvenation

Unlike the previous one, this pruning must be done only once a year and during its winter rest period, where Lantana begins to lose its leaves during the winter time in the northern hemisphere.

That is the ideal time to do a stronger pruning and thus achieve a considerable reduction in it.

For this type of pruning, the most recommended is to use tools that are stronger, such as professional saws or scissorssince there may be cases in which the branches that we are going to cut are too thick to prune as we normally do.

Steps to follow when pruning a Lantana

Pruning Lantana is not a very difficult task to doHowever, we have to take into account some things to be able to do it correctly:

The first thing we have to do is identify the type of Lantana we have. Some types of Lantana are long-lasting, while there are others that are only given once a year. It is very important to recognize what our plant is so that we can prune it properly.

We have to cut the tips of the Lantana so that we can stimulate it and thus allow its new growth and in turn its flowering.

The recommendable thing is cut small pieces about 1 to 3 inches starting from the ends of each of the sections, in this way we will be able to rejuvenate our lantana plant.

The ideal would be to prune the lantana when spring begins

The ideal would be prune the lantana when spring beginsOnly if in this case you have many growing branches that are dead and during the time that the weather remains cold we will cut them about 6 or 10 inches. With this radical cut you we will allow our Lantana to be expanded widely during the summer, which is the season where it has the highest growth.

We must prune the Lantana when it has exceeded the height of the space that we have allocated for it.

This plant grows too fast and if we don’t keep it at an adequate height, it will outnumber the plants around it. In order for us to have a better result, we have to prune the plant to about a third of its size and extension.

Always display we have to water and fertilize the plants that we have recently pruned. We can use a light fertilizer, so that our Lantana can be nourished and at the same time get the most out of their new stage of growth in a healthy way.

How do we have to prune the Lantana?

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