Indian carnation (Tagetes patula)

The Indian carnation plant also called Turkish carnation, Moorish carnation or butterfly gardenia

The Indian carnation plant also called Turkish carnation, Moorish carnation, or butterfly gardenia, is a medium-sized evergreen shrub. Also called crepe jasmine or butterfly gardenia, this plant is attractive for its ruffled white flowers, which emit a strong and pleasant fragrance at night.

It is a plant native to Mexico, Nicaragua and Guatemala, widely spread in Europe and the US It belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its flowers are ornamental and its leaves, roots and stems are attributed medicinal properties.

Characteristics of the Carnation of India

This plant is a medium-sized evergreen shrub

The bush grows from 50 cm to 1,50 meters in height. Hermaphroditic flowers, come in white, yellow, orange or red colors that look a lot like a gardenia, they smell sweet, but not overbearing. Most importantly, the Indian Carnation will bloom constantly from spring to fall.

It is fragrant during the day and extremely fragrant at night, it has double white flowers. Its leaves are glossy, smooth and not rigid. Each shrub has its five pinwheel shaped petals and the pure white flowers and glossy leaves make it a great focal point in any garden.

Cultivation and care of the Carnation of India


The long black seeds of this plant, can only be successfully grown in the air free in tropical areas and hot climates. The Indian carnation plant can be grown in a pot and put indoors when cold weather threatens, however the horizontal growth habits of the branches make it difficult to contain.

The Indian carnation plant thrives in bright sunlightBut the very hot and direct rays of the sun can sometimes burn the leaves.

For that reason choose one location out of direct afternoon sunlightwhen the sun’s rays are strongest. A southern exposure works well, as does a spot where the plant receives morning sunlight, followed by filtered or dappled afternoon shade.


Although the appearance of this plant is elegant and refined, it is not at all fussy about the soil. This sturdy shrub will grow in almost any type of soilincluding alkaline or acidic, clayey, sandy, rich or loamy soil.

Still, the carnation of the India will thrive best in loose but well drained soils. If you have compact garden soil, frame it with peat moss, coarse sand, and perlite to add nutrients and help the soil drain successfully.

Cultivation and care of the Carnation of IndiaPruning

Another aspect of growing the Indian carnation is trimming its lower branches to make it look like a small tree and as long as you keep up with the pruning, this will make it look attractive. You can plant the bush about a meter from the house without any problem.

Water and Fertilizer

This tropical beauty loves the humid environment. Keep the soil continuously moist but not soggy or saturated with water, as too much can cause the roots of the plant to rot; warm water is best.

While this plant is not heavy like all woody shrubs, can benefit each spring from a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) soluble in water. If the soil is very alkaline, care will include more frequent fertilizer applications.

Pests and diseases of the Indian Carnation

The Indian Carnation does not suffer from any serious disease, but it can be infested with scales, mites, and other insects. Too much water left on the leaves of the plant, can cause sooty mold development.

Avoid watering from above And if you notice an insect infestation, treat the plant with an insecticide spray application. Take precautions with slugs, as they can be very harmful.

Indian carnation (Tagetes patula)

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