Origin and characteristics of the coconut tree

origin of the coconut tree

The coconut tree It is a species of palm in the Arecaceae familyhaving as characteristics that they are monotypic and its only species is known under the name of Cocos Nucifera.

These plants they can grow up to 30 m tall and its fruit is the coconut, being also the emblematic tree of the Zulia state in Venezuela.

Origin of the coconut tree

coconut tree characteristics

This plant is usually found in shores of the tropical beaches of the Caribbean Sea and the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Although it can be grown in other places with hot climates.

The coconut tree grows naturally along the line of the equator. It is also used commercially, since there are more than 80 countries that have built plantations for the exploitation of this beautiful speciesbecause its fruit, the coconut, is an essential part of the gastronomy of many countries of the world, especially those that are located in the tropics.

It should be noted that the coconut plant does not feel good in cold climates, nor does it support great heights, nor hard soils devoid of salt. This is why a humid climate with strong winds is essential for its cultivation so that its flowers are pollinated correctly and its fruits grow freely.

Characteristics of coconut trees

Specimens of this species can be fed throughout the year with a specific fertilizer for palm treeswith the care to increase the fertilizer during the summer which is when the plant has a greater growth.

Although do not be surprised if a coconut tree that you grow in your own home lasts only a year or a little longer, since coconut trees need high levels of salinity as well as sunlight; If you cannot provide these elements consistently and in abundance, the plant will likely die after the time indicated above.

The leaves of the coconut tree can be up to 3 meters long

The leaves of the coconut tree can be up to 3 meters long and its fruit, the coconut, it is considered as the largest seed that exists. Despite the fact that the coconut tree is a monotypic species, it has a great diversity of varieties of it, differentiated practically by the color of the fruit, since the plants present a difference only in the size of the stem.

The most common trait of all coconut trees is the taste of the fruit, which is nice, sweet, meaty and juicy.


The flowering of the coconut tree occurs constantly, being the female flowers the ones that produce the seeds.

When the ripening process is over, the female flowers form a kind of monosperm oval drupe shaped seed up to 30 cm in diameter, with a fibrous pericarp and a bony endocarp.

This seed is known as coconut, having a brown outer shell which is extremely hardunlike the inner layer of the coconut which is white in color and has a delicious liquid, which is commonly called coconut water or coconut milk.

The incredible thing about this fruit is that it can be spread anywhere in the world by ocean currents and germinate on any tropical beach, since these fruits resist the salinization of the water.

Name’s origin

The name of this plant was given to it by the Portuguese navigators who during the first Vasco da Gama’s trip to Indiathey brought some specimens of this fruit to Europe. The sailors gave it this name due to the similarity between the face that seems to have the walnut, two eyes and an open mouth with the monster ‘Côco’ from Portuguese folklore.

The coconut tree is among the most useful trees. Its dry pulp contains between 60-70% lipids, from which oil is obtained, used in the creation of soaps and margarines.

Wood is used for construction and in many places around the world coconut water is used to create refreshing wines and drinks.


If you want to know how to take care of it, we invite you to watch this video:

Origin and characteristics of the coconut tree

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