Radiant pine

The a remarkable pine tree It is a beautiful and rustic conifer that can be had in medium to large gardens. Over time it provides excellent shade, so it is very useful for, for example, picnics in summer under its branches, or reading a good book with your back resting on its trunk.

It does not need much care, although to be able to contemplate it in all its splendor It is very important to take into account everything that you will be able to read next.

What are their characteristics?

Radiant pine cones

Our protagonist is an evergreen tree native to California. Its scientific name is Radiant pinebut it is more known as pine insigne, pine of Monterey, pine of California or pine insignis. It reaches a height of up to 45 meters, with a trunk diameter of 50-70cm. It has a pyramidal crown in its youth and flattened in its maturity. The needles (leaves) are grouped three by three and are about 15cm long. The cones are ovoid and measure 7 to 14 cm in length.

It has a fairly fast growth rate, reaching adult size in just 20-30 years if the conditions are right.

How do you take care of yourself?

If you want to get a copy, we recommend providing the following care:

  • Location: outside, in full sun. Plant at a distance of 10 meters from pipes, paved soils, etc.
  • Earth: it is indifferent, but prefers siliceous and very deep soils.
  • Irrigation: 2-3 times a week in summer and a little less the rest of the year.
  • Subscriber: from spring to summer you can add organic fertilizer, such as guano, once a month.
  • Multiplication: by seeds in spring.
  • Rusticity: supports frosts down to -12ºC.

What uses does it have?

The insignis pine is a tree that is used as much as ornamental plant or even as windbreakerBut also to take advantage of its wood. With it chipboard and paper pulp are manufactured.

Leaves and cones of the Pine insignis

Have you heard of this pine?